For years I fought the good fight of having cracked heels. It sucked! Sometimes it would be mild and other times it would be so severe that they would bleed. A couple of years ago I had enough and decided I needed to figure out how to treat them. I thought I would share how to treat cracked heels based on my experiences and success.
It won’t cost a fortune either. The products I use would probably cost you about $30-$40 in total, plus a whole lot of due diligence (wink-wink).
How to Treat Cracked Heels — for good!

I’ve so graciously decided that I’m not going to show you any gross, crusty heels because those pictures (quite frankly) make me want to gag. If you’ve been around here long enough, I hope you know that I’m 100% authentic and honest with you. Sharing something that I haven’t experienced for myself would be lying, and well, that’s not going to happen around these parts. Okie dokie? Plus, if you really want to see that grossness, you can simply google it (gulp).
After way too many vacations in the warmer weather (beaches, Las Vegas, conferences, etc), long hot summers and wearing out my cheap flip flops, I was over having to deal with cracked heels. There were some trips where I was practically limping. Womp womp womp. I had no idea where to start, but apparently my mom did… and so begins the tips on how to treat cracked heels.
Step One: Electronic Foot File
A few years ago my mom showed up with an Amope Pedi Perfect Electronic Foot File for my sister and me. She said how much she loved hers, and I was super excited to give it a try. It was effortless and really did smooth out my heels, but it didn’t HEAL the cracks — it simply thinned out the calloused skin. Does that make sense?
Step Two: Lotion
I quickly learned that the Amope would only be step one, and I would need to start applying something to my feet after smoothing them with Amope. So, I purchased the O’Keeffe’s Healthy Feet foot cream. After filing my heels, showering and/or before bed, I would apply the cream to my feet and put socks on to ensure I was trapping the moisture in.
For the record, I have also used Gold Bond Triple Action Relief Foot Cream. I didn’t use it long-term, just as a substitute on occasion. I still preferrred O’Keeffe’s Healthy Feet.
Now, you must know that NOTHING is going to heal your cracked heels overnight. It’s going to take time, diligence and patience.
Be sure to use the Amope (or foot file of choice) at least once a week and apply the cream as often as possible. Continue these steps until you start to see the cracks healing.
Step Three: Maintenance
Once the cracks have healed and your heels are feeling much smoother, it’s important to maintain that! Maintenance is MUCH easier than the pain, discomfort and ugliness of cracked heals. Don’t you agree? I am speaking from experience and maintenance is super important to me.
For maintenance, I started to use a Callus Remover Paddle before getting into the shower. I’ve used different brands, but I always come back to the NeatFeet by Trim paddle. The Equate version at Walmart will tear your heels up, so I highly discourage purchasing that one.
Anywho, I used to use the paddle in the shower, but realized I was getting a lot more removal when doing it with dry feet. Of course, do what works best for you!
I’ve also heard great things about the microplane callus remover. My sister has used the same steps as I have to treat her cracked heels. Guess what? She had great success too. However, she uses the microplane callus remover over the paddle. I intend to buy one and give it a try at some point as well. I tend to be a firm believer that if something isn’t broken, why fix it? Lol.
There is also a callus shaver out there; however, proceed with caution. If you use a callus shaver, be very careful. It will indeed scrape off the calluses, but you can easily remove too much skin and cause sensitivity (even bleeding). I did use one a couple of times, but it scared me to death. If your heels are really bad, this might be a tool to use to get the calluses down to a much more manageable point — and then you can use the Amope, paddle, etc.
Additional Tips on How to Treat Cracked Heels:
Traveling Tip. When staying at hotels, wear socks to bed. The bleach used to wash the sheets sucks every ounce of moisture out of my heels. This tip has proven to be one of the best decisions I’ve made when traveling, particularly in dry areas. Be sure to add a little of the O’Keeffe’s Healthy Feet before putting your socks on too! Wink.
Shoe Tip. Would you believe that shoes can play a role too? Yep. I used to be a flip-flop maniac, especially the ones from Old Navy. Cheap, versatile and more or less cute with anything. Right?!?!
Well, last year I was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis and had to invest in some Birkenstocks. Best decision ever. They not only offer me the arch support and shock absorption that I need, but they have a contoured foot bed — keeping my foot from shifting/slipping. And if you are fighting cracked heels, those contoured foot beds keep the dirt out!
If you’re still here — you deserve a cookie! I know it was a lengthy post, but one I’ve really wanted to share with you. I hope you find it helpful. Be sure to share with friends and family too.
Do you have any additional tips on how to treat cracked heels? If so, please share them with us in the comments below!
Other Bath and Body related posts:
How to Make Loofah Soap
Lavender Honey Soap
Homemade Chocolate Lip Scrub
Homemade Tick Repellent (and labels)
Coconut Grapefruit Sugar Scrub
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Evelina says
I suffer from cracked heels too and my life saving tool is super glue. It has saved me – especially if you’re on vacation and are walking a lot! I always pack a tube of super glue!!!
Ellen Hurtado says
Hi Kelly.
I live in Denver the land of dry skin so I always like hearing about dry feet solutions. I’ve used good old Bag Balm which is like thick Vaseline for years. It’s very inexpensive and very effective. I put it on before I go to the gym with shoes and socks. You are right about the flip flops!
That along with regular pedicures year round and the file you have in your post keep my feet smooth and crack free.
Kathy Laurenti says
Vaseline petroleum jelly also works on getting rid of the cracks on your feet you can put it on before you put your shoes and socks on or put it on with socks before you go to bed and the cracked feet will go away and it’s cheap. I live in Florida and have to deal with cracked feet all the time . God Bless You
Debbie S. says
Thank you thank you! I don’t think I have EVER read a more thorough and informative report on how to treat rough feet. I will be printing this out and taking it with me to get these products. I know you are honest and if it works for
you that’s good enough for me. My feet aren’t extremely bad at all. But, in the winter they get much worse. I want to keep them from getting bad so I am excited to start this routine.
Dorinda Selke says
I use the exact same method as you, Lotion and all. Not only do I suffer from cracked heels but also the tops of my big toes (the ones who went to market). They used to bleed and hurt terribly. I will try the Birkenstocks. I bought Dr Scholls sandals in a cute style and a soft gray color to match a lot. I do still wear my cute flip flops but not for very long. Thanks for this post. Hugs, Dorinda
Sandi says
Thanks for this post! I’m going to try this. Hugs,
Mary M. says
Forever I suffered with callus and cracked feet. Finally took charge. I have a pedicure once a month. My pedicurist says my left foot takes a beating. My podiatrist recommended Flexitrol. Flexitrol is hard to find but you can get it on Amazon. And every time I take a shower I use
Mr. Scrubbie on my heals and the sides of my feet. At my age I don’t have much left that looks good but I can brag about my feet and my thick wavy hair. lol
Nancy A Prochnow says
Great timely information. My heels and the bone below my big toe always get so dry and cracked. My husband’s feet are worse and will bleed. I bought an off brand file device like the Amope a few years ago thinking it would work as well. Don’t waste your money. It does not have the power to remove anything and if you put a little extra pressure on it, the round file just falls off. So I’m glad to hear that the Amope works for the extra money. I use a paddle file which works just as you said, smooths out the dead skin but not the cracks. I really like the PediEgg that has been on the market for years. It works well on deep calluses and has never filed deep enough to injure my feet. After using the Egg, I use the paddle file to smooth it out nicely, then use an old tube of Mary Kay Extra Emollient Night Cream and put on the little soft slipper socks and wear that to bed. It works amazing. I’ve used Vaseline before and it works pretty well, but the Mary Kay (use an old tube) can be expensive for your feet. However, if they are cracked and sore enough, we’d try most anything that works. Thanks for your great tips, Kelly. I’m going to watch for the O’Keeffe’s Foot Cream now too, for both my husband and I. Great tips ladies!
Nancy A Prochnow says
By the way, my hair stylist always weas Birkenstocks. She swears by the comfort and help they have on her feet!
Diane Bucci says
love your birkenstocks!!! Just bought the same style in stone!! They look sooo cute on you! Thanks also for the tips for the cracked heels…..going to try your advice! xo
tazmin says
I believe cracked heel is a matter of poor foot care
Since my mom had cracked heels for a long time. I spent days to find a good cream for her.
The problem is that everyone says mine is the best.
therefor we had to test many of them
Erin says
I think this is all great advice! I have suffered from dry heels for YEARS! It really is a constant battle that I am not always on the winning side of. I too was stricken with plantar fasciitis and purchased Birkenstocks as a means to treat it and it worked!! The only downside is that I do find my heels are more dry when wearing open shoes, which my Birkenstocks are. Consistency is key and that is something I need to work on. Keep up the goo work!