Hey there! Happy Saturday and Happy Mother’s Day weekend.
I’m running a little late on getting this out, but better late than never… right? YAY!

1. Happy Mother’s Day to all of you beautiful women! I’m thinking of each and every one of you. Please know that you are loved and appreciated! If this weekend is difficult for you due to loss or infertility, you’re not forgotten. It’s okay to avoid Facebook, skip church and wish the day away. It’s bittersweet for many of us, including myself. Sending you a BIG virtual hug!!
My family celebrated dinner together this past Friday night at Cracker Barrel. And tomorrow (Sunday), everyone will come for dessert and gifts. Love you, Mom!
2. Birthday Week! Eeeeeks. I’ll spend the official day (Wednesday, the 17th) with my twinkie, and we’ll have dinner and cake with the fam-bam. I turn 49 this year. WOW! This will be my last year in my 40s. It’s hard to believe I’ll be FIFTY next year. (Insert all the sobbing).
3. This week, I spent hours reviewing SD cards that held thousands of pictures from over the years of blogging. WOW! I found recipes I photographed and never posted, many pics of my boys Parker and Buster, and so many photos from our time in St. Louis. It was time-consuming and yet very nostalgic.
I feel bad that I haven’t started posting more around here. While I can’t pinpoint anything, I feel meh these days. I’m guessing it’s menopause. I don’t feel like myself.
At the end of May, I have some follow-up labs with the Nurse Practioner I’m seeing, so maybe the meds will have to be tweaked. I don’t know. I feel like I’m in a slump and hate it. Thanks for bearing with me.
4. The Oliver. Well, we put our Oliver up for sale again this past week. We’ve had it for five years and have made several great trips. We’re ready for a new chapter. So, if you know anyone interested in a beautiful fiberglass trailer, send them our way.
5. Self Tanning. So, I decided to start with a couple of Jergen products.. Honestly, I wasn’t disappointed.
A friend mentioned this In-Shower lotion from Jergens. I gave it a try, and it wasn’t too bad. After one application, it provides a very light color, so if you shower frequently, the color will get darker.
On days when I didn’t shower, I used the Jergens Sunless Tanning Moisturizer. I don’t use this on my face. I use the Jergens Natural Glow Sunless Tanning Face Moisturizer (with SPF 20). Overall it gives a sunkissed look.
I have a lot more experimenting to do, and practice makes perfect. I’m not looking to be dark by any means. I want to have a wee bit of color for the summer months. Do I miss tanning? Heck yeah!
6. Delivered Groceries. Did I tell you that I finally joined Walmart+? I’ve been doing free pick-ups for YEARS; however, they recently started delivering to our small town. Making fewer trips into town saves us money, and I love it. Plus, I get free shipping with no minimums too!
Do you have groceries delivered?
Around the Web:
These Printables for Teachers.
This puzzle. ❤️
How to Decorate a Small Bedroom.
This versatile dish.
Obsessed with this Bed Tray. 🥰
These Vase Filler Ideas.
Summer Bullet Journal Doodles to Try.
This article: Even Gritty People Get Discouraged.
These Fruit and Yogurt Granola Cups.
These Samoa Truffles.
BBQ Chicken Skewers with Pineapple.
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