Brrrrr. It has been super duper cold here. I think we’ve been in the teens most of the week. Space heaters are running, tea-sipping is on the go and we’re letting a faucet drip every night. I’m not complaining though. I have a fondness for each and every season.
I do wish we’d get ONE BIG dumping of snow… pretty please. I’m sure my neighbors and friends are like, “Um…. shut up, Kelly.” Hee-hee.

“Nothing burns like the cold.” George R.R. Martin
1. The week started off with a holiday (Martin Luther King Day)… I worked in the morning (Steve had off) and that afternoon we went into town, had lunch, and ran a few errands together. I usually do most of the errand running, so it was nice to do a few together.
One big fat bummer was that I lost one of my new earrings. I spent way too much time trying to retrace my footsteps and never did find it. SIGH.
However, I reached out to the seller about purchasing a replacement and she offered to send one complimentary. That’s FIVE STAR service right there!
2. Last week in church I heard the song I Speak Jesus by Here Be Lions for the first time. Wow!! What a powerful song. It really spoke to my heart and soul.
I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and yet I also felt an overwhelming sense of heaviness for those who might be going through a difficult season of depression, sickness, loss, anxiety, loneliness, uncertainty, marital troubles, etc.
This song speaks so much truth — there is power in the name of Jesus, friends.
3. Did I mention that we’re planning to head back to Gulf Shores for a couple of weeks soon? I am SO stinking excited. A change of scenery, salt air, and fried pickles might be just what the doctor ordered. Ya know?
4. Let’s talk about collagen. I’ve decided that I’m going to start taking collagen powder. I feel like I’m losing more hair than usual, my skin could use some help and there seems to be a number of other health benefits to taking it.
So I picked up a bottle at Sam’s Club. I can just mix it in with my coffee and/or tea, which seems easy enough. I’m not adding one more pill or vitamin to the mix, that’s for sure.
How about you? Do you take a daily dose of collagen?
5. Any Ozark (the Netflix series) fans out there? Season 4 was released yesterday, so I’m hoping to do a little binge-watching this weekend.
I think the title and supposed representation of the actual Ozarks is what drew us in. It was a downhill spiral from there. Haha.
6. Did you know how pound cake got its name? Well, the original recipe required a pound each of butter, flour, sugar, and eggs. I think it’s safe to say that’s a lot of cake, but it was also meant to last for quite some time.
Is anyone craving cake now?!?! Ha!
7. Have I ever told you about my favorite nail polish remover? Mineral Fusion. It is seriously the bomb diggity. It’s gentle and most importantly: acetone-free. It removes dark shades of nail polish, glitters, etc. Needing a little more info? Well, it doesn’t dry out your nails and that’s a win-win.
Since I stopped biting my nails, I’m working hard to keep my nails strong and healthy.
I was introduced to it when I was selling Color Street and now it’s all I use! Be sure to check it out. And, trust me, it’s worth the few extra dollars.
8. Fridays are point-free for me. Since starting up on WW (Weight Watchers), I always weigh in on Fridays and enjoy a day that is free of point tracking. It’s also known as a cheat day. Haha.
So yesterday I met up with my sister over lunch for Auntie Anne’s pretzel bites. They are a favorite of mine. My sister has been under the weather and had a rough morning, so I thought we should meet up and enjoy a yummy treat while we caught up a bit. I’m glad we did…
We also might have picked up these cute vintage-inspired long-sleeved graphic tees. So cute (IMHO).
And seriously, how cute are these socks? Cute socks and warm feet equal perfection. Am I right or am I right?!?
9. In case you missed it, I shared this Free Printable Reading Log and Coloring Sheet this past week. I’m really quite fond of it and will be putting it to good use. Care to join me?
Around the Web:
These Green Bags are a Kitchen Must-Have.
These Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Tips for Care.
These DIY Magnetic Bookmarks.
These Valentine’s Day Crafts.
This I Spy Valentine’s Day Printable.
These Quotes About Love. ❤️
These Valentine Matchbox Covers.
This Epic Crudités Platter.
These Texas Sheet Cake Bites.
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