The Valentine’s Day I Spy Printable is here! And the crowds go wild. (wink)
Love is in the air… We’re less than a month away from Valentine’s Day. Yay! Do you give gifts to friends and family? Have a special date night with your significant other? We usually exchange a small gift and go out to eat.
While we should be expressing our love every day, it is nice to have one day a year that is set aside for us to celebrate that love. Don’t you agree?
Valentine’s Day I Spy Game for Kids

I’ve enjoyed putting together some I Spy printables over the years and, well, I couldn’t pass up rounding up some hearts, cupcakes, and rainbows for another one {giggle}.
This game is perfect for the classroom party, kids of a small group, after-school activity, club meetings, etc. And, it’s truly fun for kids of ALL AGES.
And lucky you, I’ve also created an answer sheet and answer key for your use! Sweet. Print this Valentine’s Day I Spy game off for your Valentine’s Day Celebration or for an after-school activity with the kiddos.
*Please Note: All printables and downloads designed by Live Laugh Rowe are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. Please do not alter the file or claim it as your own. This file is not intended for resale, nor are the printed versions of this file. Clipart purchases at My Clipart Store, Pink Pueblo, and other vendors.
Other fun Valentine’s Printables:
Taco Love Printables
Minimalistic Printable Greeting Cards
Typography Printable Valentine Tags
Hugs + Blessings,
Bobbie says
Thanks for the cute Valentine printable! I printed them out for a friend who can entertain and have fun with her little Grands!
Kelly Rowe says
Thanks Bobbie! I’m sure your friends grandchildren will enjoy them. These can be fun for all. 🙂 Have a great weekend. xo.
Heather C says
Kelly thanks again for the I Spy game, my grandson and granddaughter love to play, and I have to admit I do too!
Kelly Rowe says
Thanks Heather! I love to hear that all ages enjoy I Spy. 🙂 They can be such fun. Have a great weekend. HUGS.
Lilla says
Lovely! Thanks. Do you happen to have a sheet for preschoolers? My boys can’t read yet, but if I give them a list with pictures, they could work on it on their own at church. God bless. Lilla
Sherron says
Thank you so much for creating and sharing these adorable I Spy games! I am having a few little friends over to play on Saturday and I thought that we’d make it a Valentine’s party. Thank you!
Courtney says
Thank you for the printable! I used it for my second graders class party 🙂
Joyce says
Thank you so much! I have printed this out and will use it with my 4 year old granddaughter. Wonderful idea and beautiful graphics! Happy Valentine’s day, Kelly!
Laurinda says
Thank you so much for the printable! I have a new 3 year old granddaughter, & I think this will be perfect for her
Kendra S says
Hi! I loved this activity, and the Kindergarten class I used it in were great ‘spy-ers’. Anyway, I was going to mention that they were insistent on counting the cherries and strawberries on the tops of the cupcakes as part of the actual cherry and strawberry count. I didn’t end up sending them with the answer, since we were one more on the cherries and strawberries. But, so fun, and so cute! Thanks!
Kelly Rowe says
Thanks for stopping by and sharing the smile with me. I’m glad that your class enjoyed the Spy Printable. 🙂 I love how children are so observant on details that adults might overlook all together. Happy Valentine’s Day. xo.
Kelly says
ADORABLE!!! I can’t wait to bring this home and play with my 3 1/2 year old. She loves I Spy books. I printed an extra copy and pasted the picture next to your written list so that she could see what to look for as well since she can’t read yet 🙂 She can practice finding AND counting. Thank you so much for sharing!
Deborah C says
HI From Toronto, Canada. Just a quick note to say this is great…I can’t wait to play this with my 6 & 4 year old. Thanks for posting and sharing.
All the best,
Crystal @HelloCreativeFamily says
This is such a fun idea! I can imagine my kiddos waking up to find it on the breakfast table on Valentine’s Day morning and having a ton of fun playing bingo! Thank you for sharing such a great printable!
I did a roundup of Handmade Candy Free Valentine Ideas Kids Will Love and included your project in it! I’d love for you to take a peek and share if you think it’s a fit for your audience. 🙂
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Daisy says
Just printed this for the kids which will love it and will be featuring and linking on my blog! TY!
Anonymous says
So pretty! A lovely activity.
Nicole says
This is great! Thank you! Going to use for my daughters class for her Valentine’s party!
Lauren says
This is soooo cute! Thank you! Excited to use it for my toddler party this week at playgroup.
Defae says
Such a cute Valentine activity!! So appreciative of the free download. The children in our church Parent’s Night Out this Saturday will love it. Thank you greatly!!
Sandy says
This is so much fun! I would like to include this in my Valentine’s Day Roundup post!
Heather says
Thank you so very much for making these I Spy printables! The Valentine’s Day and Winter themes are perfect for our school party. Your creativity is greatly appreciated! 🙂
Gina Frisella Spengel says
This is so cute. I am a room mom for my son’s school Do you mind if we use this for our kindergarten class party. I would be making 14 copies to share. I appreciate your hard work!
Kelly Rowe says
Hi Gina! Of course you can use if for the kindergarten class party 🙂 Enjoy. xo
Candace E Schulhauser says
Thank you, Kelly, for posting a free, printable Valentine’s Day Eye Spy. I so appreciate finding activities that are not overwhelming for memory care residents. This particular Eye Spy works perfectly. Blessings on your day.