Happy Saturday, and happy hellos from my little neck of the woods to yours.

1. This week started with dog sitting. I dog-sat for my parents. Their sweet girl is 14 years old and is not a fan of Nash. A senior dog and a puppy aren’t always a good pairing; however, we survived. Early mornings and figuring out the song and dance I had to do during feeding times were entertaining. 😆
2. Let’s talk about Nash (our mini golden doodle). First and foremost, the spoiled little stinker got a brand-new elevated double diner. I wanted a slightly elevated one and found the perfect one on Chewy. Plus, it fits my decor and home aesthetic. Winning. It was so funny watching him check it out, sniff around, etc. He was a Curious George, for sure.
A friend got a new pup and wanted Nash to socialize with her, so Mable and Nash met up for a meet-and-greet on Tuesday morning. This was the first time I’ve scheduled a playdate in all my years as a dog mama.
It went really well. They ran and ran and ran… Nash came home and crashed out.
3. While typing about the dog playdate, I thought, “People are going to think you’re a loon.”
Do you know what? I loved that playdate and don’t care if people think I’m a loon. Haha. I follow a gal on Instagram, and she always talks about people embracing their freak flags. Flying your freak flag means celebrating what makes you different, loud, and proud!
So here are a few of mine:
- I’m a crazy dog mom who spoils my dog and buys him too many toys and treats.
- I love reality TV, particularly Below Deck, which is about yachties. I also love the show Tell Me Lies on Hulu, which can be a little raunchy.
- I’m a true crime addict. Seriously, I could probably be a detective. Murder documentary? Yes, please.
- I probably love TV a little too much in general. No shame in my game.
- I sleep in until 8:30 a.m. most days (sometimes later), which is how I’ve been rolling for over 12 years.
- I sing random parts of songs and commercials all day, every day. My husband laughs at me.
I’m flying that freak flag, friends. I have to stop worrying about what everyone thinks and/or says. At the ripe age of 50, I’m embracing all my quirks. How about you? What are some of your eccentricities (freak flags)?
“Don’t ever be ashamed of loving
the strange things that make
your weird little heart happy.”
-Elizabeth Gilbert
4. I’ve been thinking a lot about mental health lately, too. Why? I always say my anxieties are high or my stress is high — however, I’ve never really taken the time to think about my mental health. Sometimes, I think the anxiety and stress stem from my mental health, and it might need a little tending to.
Mental health is vital to our overall well-being, influencing how we think, feel, and navigate daily life. Just as we care for our physical health, nurturing mental health is essential for living a balanced, fulfilling life. Managing stress, seeking support when needed, and prioritizing self-care helps maintain emotional resilience. Whether through mindfulness, therapy, or simply talking with a loved one, investing in mental health is vital to thriving in all aspects of life.
I need to work on my overall well-being. If you’re feeling “all the things,” I wanted to share that you’re not alone. I read this recently and needed the reminder…
“You don’t have to be positive all the time. It’s perfectly okay to feel sad, angry, annoyed, frustrated, scared and anxious. Having feelings doesn’t make you a negative person. It makes you human.” -Lori Deschene
We can do hard things, friend.
5. Have you heard about Fridgescaping? It’s a little far-fetched, but I also think it’s hilariously cool.
6. I would never in a million years ride this tilt roller coaster that is said to be a new addition to Cedar Point in 2025.
7. Besides the Weekender, I’m super excited that the blog has been very active this week — with two additional posts.
- A simple Tablescape for Fall with the rich colors of navy and burgundy.
- This Autumn Bucket List will have you planning some perfect fall adventures.
8. The last time we caught up over the Weekender, I mentioned having terrible neck pain and tension headaches. I had to start troubleshooting somewhere, so I decided to swap out my pillow. Believe it or not, I haven’t had any problems since. Praise the Lord.
And now, I’m limping due to pain in my left foot (up by my toes). It’s been happening for two weeks (insert all the rolling eyes). I don’t know if it’s the new inserts from Fleet Feet or what. I know it’s not plantar fasciitis because I’ve been down that road before.
Why does it feel like there’s something new hurting every day? The joys of growing old.
9. In more exciting news — Hallmark’s 2024 Countdown to Christmas is here.
Around the Web:
I bought these dried leaves for my fall decor.
How to String Indian Corn Seeds.
The sweetest little ceramic pumpkins. (I have two. 🤫)
This Greek Chicken Bowl.
This Crockpot Apple Butter.
These Baked Brie Crescent Bites.
This Beef Stew is so good.
These Display Risers are great for the holidays!
Adding this book to my reading list.
This is an excellent Organizational Idea!
Tammy says
I loved this edition and can certainly relate to the different “pains” of aging! I cannot for the life of me find a pillow that I like that keeps me from neck pain and headaches! I’ve tried dozens! What one did you get that worked if you do t mind me asking? Thanks!