Happy hellos from a very warm Missouri. We’re supposed to be in the high 80’s (again) today. I feel like we’re having a second summer instead of fall, and it makes me sad. What is the weather like for you?

1. Remember I mentioned my foot pain last week? My feet are growing. GULP. I’m up a half size. Unfortunately, I’ll need to start getting some replacement shoes. I won’t be replacing them all, but I’ll want to get the ones I wear the most.
I returned to Fleet Feet and got an 8.5 in my sneakers. I’ve been a solid 8 for years, recalling that at one time, I wore a 7.5.
2. Schofield and Gray was great last weekend. The fire pits were burning, the festive inspiration was everywhere, and the weather was perfect. Mom, Kristine, and I enjoyed our girl time. We all scored a few goodies too.
3. Earlier this week, Steve and I saw Am I a Racist? It’s a 2024 satirical documentary directed by Justin Folk, starring Matt Walsh. In this film, Walsh goes undercover as a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) “expert” to expose what he views as the absurdities and contradictions of the DEI industry. The movie targets progressive ideologies on race, often appealing to conservative audiences. Its humor critiques the DEI movement, sparking controversy and conversations around racial discourse in America.
I felt a little more educated about the racial discourse in our country. However, I’m glad we also went on a night when tickets were discounted. Lol.
4. Do we have any Back to the Future fans reading? If so, go to the O’Reilly Auto Parts website, type 121G in the search bar, and hit enter or click search.
You can thank me later! 🤣😂
5. Recently, I spoke to my mom a little too freely and felt terrible. I stumbled upon this quote while scrolling on FB or elsewhere online. It’s an excellent reminder that our words are powerful and can reflect our inner beauty.
I want to choose to be kind. How about you?
6. Steve and I finally decided to apply to Havaheart Rescue. We want to volunteer for rescues and events and open our home to foster dogs. I worry about fostering. I think we’ll have foster fails, haha. However, I also don’t want to tease Nash with a sibling.
I know, I know… I’m a worry wart. Nevertheless, we love Havaheart and have been making donations for years. We believe it’s time to take it another step further and help in other ways.
Have you ever fostered a dog or cat?
7. Cheryl, a dear friend of our family, was in town this past week. She lives in Wilkes-Barre, PA. My dad pastored there for a year or two many moons ago. My parents were always close to Cheryl, and she used to babysit us. She’s like a family.
Left to Right: Dad, Mom, Me and Cheryl
On Thursday, I tagged along with them for a visit to Silver Dollar City. We laughed, ate some of our faves, and stopped at several shops. It was a hot day, but we survived.
A few of the highlights:
- Two Words: Cinnamon Bread (IYKYK).
- The Giant Barn Swing. My mom was convinced it was like the barn swinging my sister and I did in college. Umm. Nope. It was a giant ride/swing that went 75 feet into the air on both sides. Glory to God. I only went because my dad wanted to try it and didn’t want to go alone. Wrong decision, Kelly. Terrible decision. So, I flagged the lady down and inquired about getting off. It was too late. In all honesty, I thought I was going to meet my maker. I was chanting Jesus, Help Me over and over again. Are you interested in seeing what this ride looks like? Here’s an off-ride video someone shared on YouTube.
- The Hymn sing-a-long in the little Wilderness Church.
- The Swinging Bridge wasn’t my friend either. I couldn’t get my bearings to save my life. 😳🙄
8. Stay tuned for a fun new post with the Handcrafted Society next week. Our craft supplies leather and/or lace. Do you have any guesses about what I might have made?
9. Friends, I’ve been using Upside for THREE years. I’ve shared about Upside before, but I wanted to share it again. It offers cash back on gas (and food)! Use promo code KELLY875365 to get a $10 bonus on your first Upside purchase. Free money? Yes, please. This promo ends 10/10/24.
Around the Web:
Household Items to Masterpieces?
This Brass Trinket Tray.
This Gold Tabletop Picture Frame.
This Round Modern/Mid-Century Clock.
I’m going to try this Slow Cooker Olive Garden Chicken Pasta.
This Delicious Pumpkin Whip.
Are you making these for Halloween?
These slip-ons in the leopard print.
My favorite jeans right now (Dark Wash).
These Ceramic Ornaments. ❤️
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