Wowzer! It’s hard to believe that 2015 has come and gone… Goodbye 2015 and Hello 2016. It’s always exciting to start a new year though. I anticipate GREAT things, how about you? Today I’m sharing the Best of 2015 here at Live Laugh Rowe. 2015, you sure were good to this little ole’ blog!
This year I was able to do some extensive amount of travel for the blog — working with new brands, making new blog friends and learning new things every single day. A big thank you to Swiffer, Red Gold, La-Z-Boy (Design Dash), Phantom Screens (Southern Romance Project), Home Depot (DIH Workshops) (just to name a few), I love partnering with brands that I love! I hope y’all know that I only share products I love, have and/or believe in!
Being a part of the Do It Herself program with the Home Depot was quite spectacular. One common theme that seemed to resonate when visiting the stores each quarter was how much they all LOVED their jobs. Attitude reflects leadership and those employees proved that to be true time and time again. A BIG thank you to each of the workshop leaders who allowed me to join them teaching and building! New friends were certainly made in Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin and Alabama.
Receiving an invitation to be a part of the 2015 La-Z-Boy Design Dash was pretty darn incredible too! In case you missed it, you can read all about my Boho Chic Living Room and how all of it came to fruition in TWO DAYS! (The winner(s) have yet to be announced, so stay tuned!)
I seriously experienced things this year that I NEVER thought possible for Live Laugh Rowe. I even earned the bragging rights to say that I met Luke Bryan and Scott Foley. CrAzY!
I think the most exciting thing is that this blog wouldn’t be where it is today without all of YOU, the readers. Your e-mails, comments and visits are so incredibly motivating. I love sharing my projects, recipes and life’s experiences with you. So, THANK YOU for coming back day after day, week after week and so forth. You inspire me!
I am truly blessed beyond measure to be able to do what I love! With that being said, I now present to you the Best of 2015 and I can’t wait to see what 2016 has in store!

25+ Fabulous Vase Fillers

Sliding Glass Door Window Treatment

Train Your Dog to Potty on the Bell
Travel Themed Gallery Wall
Mini Turkey Meatloaves

Lavender Honey Soap

How to build a Cornice Box with attached Curtain Rod

Creamsicle Pie

DIY Idea Journal
January 2015 Calendar

Tips for Planting Flowers in Pots
Avocado and Oats Soap
I won’t be having contributors this year, as I weighed out the pros and cons this past year; however, a whole hearted thanks goes out to each of the ladies who shared their talents with us: Katie (The Casual Craftlete), Kyla (House of Hipsters), Jelli (Jelli Bean Journals) and Ashley (Little Glass Jar). Be sure to check their blogs out — you won’t be disappointed.
Many thanks, once again… Hugs all around!
Be sure to visit with me here too:
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Linking up to Between Naps on the Porch
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