Happy hellos from the great Midwest state of Missouri! It’s going to be a great weekend… I can feel it! Have any exciting plans?

1. The Hallmark Channel seems to be my go-to during the holidays. Yep, the ID channel seems to take a backseat. I usually scroll through the app to see what I want to watch and then set my DVR. I tend to watch them on my iPad while working.
I’ve probably watched about a 1/2 dozen already, and one of my favorites this year is Never Been Chris’d. Oh my gosh! I loved it, but I’m also a HUGE fan of Tyler Hynes. I think he’s a cutie patootie.
Another favorite was the Santa Summit. I enjoyed quite a few good chuckles. Have you seen either of these?
2. Many moons ago, I used to sell Tastefully Simple. And it’s no exaggeration to say that (at the time) we were a house built on Almond Pound Cake, Beer Bread, and Rhubarb Strawberry Fruit Spread.
Bwahaha. I’m seriously cracking myself up over here.
It’s been a long time since we’ve had those goodies. A friend was having a Tastefully Simple FB party, and I jumped at the opportunity to buy some of our long-lost faves.
This week, the box arrived, and I was giddy. I made one of the Almond Pound Cakes and probably ate half of it. Goodness gracious, I forgot how good those are.
All that to say, if you haven’t tried any of their goodies — treat yo self! Believe it or not, they also sell several of their products on Amazon. Who knew?!?!
3. Reading through These “15 Simple Everyday Moments to Be Grateful For” made me smile. Which one do you relate to the most? For me, it would be 7, 12, and 15.
4. Please pray for my sister. Without divulging too much information, I’d like to ask those of you who pray to please keep my twin sister Kristine in your prayers.
She’s been dealing with some physical challenges, and a couple of tests are going to be done. I’m praying for answers and a peace that passes all understanding to embrace her.
5. New Post! I shared this Honey Bun Cake Recipe earlier this week. If you enjoy the Honey Buns snack cakes, then this cake will not disappoint. Be sure to check it out!
6. I think I’ve mentioned my love for office supplies — and in particular, notebooks. To put it simply, I have a lot. Lol. I enjoyed stumbling across this post with over thirty ideas on how to put blank notebooks to use.
Around the Web:
Festive Ways to Wrap Christmas Treats (via Hallmark).
These Neighbor Gift Ideas.
This Matchbox Advent Calendar.
These Felt Deer (stop the cuteness).
It’s Gevalia Cappuccino Season.
These Mini Raspberry Almond Tarts.
These No-Bake Candied Pecans.
This Dog Mom Sticker.
These face-washing Terry Cloth Headbands.
These Smile Face Slippers.
This Gratitude Journal.
This Thankful Vibes T-shirt.
One Last Hoorah:
I saw something similar to this on Pinterest earlier this week. I loved it so much that I recreated it and saved it to my phone. While we’re almost two weeks into the month, these are still very appropriate and incredible intentions.
Pssst. Enjoying the content? Buying me a coffee or two occasionally is a fabulous way to support all my hard work and the content I provide. Thank YOU!
Esther H Creed says
Karen says
Hi Kelly!
I relate most to #3 and #10. As for Hallmark movies I think I’ve seen them all. Really liked Never Been Chris’d. Your Matchbox Advent Calendar is adorable:).
Will keep Kristine in my prayers.
Kelly Rowe says
Hi Karen! Thanks so much for your comment and interaction. I love hearing from the readers — and other Hallmark movie lovers 🙂 I’m going to guess that you’re cold natured if you enjoy a hot shower on a chilly day. Haha. I’m usually so warm, but a hot shower always feels so refreshing. And I have STACKS of books to be read…. I need to set time aside to pause and read more. Thank you for keeping my sister in your prayers as well. We’re currently waiting for her to get an ultra sound done. Have a blessed day!