Free 2019 Printable Calendar with inspiring quotes to help motivate and empower you throughout the new year! Print one for yourself and a friend today.
As you may or may not know, for a couple of years I created monthly calendars with quotes. Then last year I decided to provide all twelve months upfront with this FREE Printable Calendar. I’m back again this year with another great calendar filled with inspirational quotes! And the crowd goes wild…

2019 Free Printable Calendar

If you’ve been following my blog long enough, you’d know that quotes are one of my absolute favorite things. I have journals, notebooks, screenshots and notes on my phone full of quotes! Sometimes I enjoy searching for new quotes to share with you too. So why not put them to good use in another free printable calendar?
These twelve quotes are intended to inspire and motivate you — and maybe even empower you! Like this one by Bryan Tracy…
Isn’t that great? You can make your life a masterpiece — imagine NO LIMITATIONS on what you can be, or do! And this one (below) by Joyce Meyer…
Joyce Meyer is a wise, godly woman and I think she makes such a valid point in this quote: “A number 2 pencil and a dream can take you anywhere.” Makes me think of the movie, The Greatest Showman. A little planning, determination and a dream are POWERFUL things. Grab a notebook and start making plans, put those dreams and aspirations on paper!
It is a pleasure to be able to quote
lines to fit any occasion. (Abraham Lincoln)
I hope you’re inspired each month to reflect on the quotes and how they might speak to your soul — aaaand pass it on! Send a friend a copy or simply share the quotes. Words can be so powerful!
Grab all twelve months today or swing by each month to print it off. Display on your refrigerator, clipboard frame or a bulletin board!
*Please Note: All printables and downloads designed by Live Laugh Rowe are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. Please do not alter the file or claim it as your own. This file is not intended for resale, nor are the printed versions of this file.
DOWNLOAD 2019 Printable Calendar with Quotes
Don’t forget that I have the 2019 Vintage Botanical Calendar as another great option too!
Be sure to visit with me here too:
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Karen Pope says
Hi Kelly, Love the new calendar! I was able to make a great gift for a friend who needs some insprational and encouraging thoughts during a rough time in her life. I then made one for myself too – and realized all the creative efforts helped me too!
Melissa says
Love your Calendars! =)
MariaMay says
Wow!! Kelly your calendar is giving me a new energy to start the day !! I loved it! Your quotes really worth more. Calendar is an important thing used by all of us!! Your this idea is appreciable!!!
Blank Calendar says
Hi Kelly, thank you for cute printable calendars 🙂 I love it.
Karen says
Wow!! Kelly your calendar is giving me a new energy to start the day !! I love it!
Printable Calendar says
that calendar template is sooooo cool! I’m going to share this with my wife she would love it for her desk at school!
Katie Granata says
I am trying to print the claendar but it is coming out as blank. Not sure if it is the printer. I love the calendar!
Kelly Rowe says
Hi Katie. It’s printing on my end, so you might try to save the calendar to your desktop — then try printing. Keep me posted. Cheers!
Sharon Gore says
Thank you SO MUCH for this beautiful calendar!
Mateo Pedersen says
What gorgeous prints ! Perfect for staying organized and be inspired!!
Karen Cline says
Thank you for doing this. Your work is so lovely and it’s really kind of you to share.