Patent art is quite popular these days… and, honestly, I love them all! After ooh-ing and aww-ing at some of the vintage patent prints I’ve seen around the web, I thought it was time to make a few of my own. So, this vintage camera patent art was born!
Vintage Patent Prints

Since I started blogging, I’ve had to teach myself a lot of new skills. Things I never thought I would learn either. One large part of blogging is photography.
I remember taking a photography class in high school, but that was when digital cameras didn’t exist. We even processed our film in a dark room. I loved that class, but saw it as a fun learning experience — nothing more, nothing less. Sometimes I do miss using film, call me crazy. Anybody else miss that?
Eventually I got a point and shoot camera, nothing fancy. It was for capturing family adventures, the dogs, etc. I did use it in the beginning of my blogging adventures (don’t look back at 2012, gulp). However, then came the DSLR (a Canon Rebel). A whole new world of photography — and so much to learn.
Learning how to use that camera was a struggle, but I finally started to understand a few things and even upgraded my camera to Canon 6D. I’m always learning new things about lighting, settings, lenses and more.
I say all that to drive home the point that being self taught gives me a greater appreciation for the camera and photography. The moments that are captured from travel to recipes to our home, they all tell a story. They capture moments.
The best thing about a picture is that it never changes,
even when the people in it do.” -Andy Warhol
These vintage patent prints are for all the photographers and camera lovers out there. Add one or all of them to your home, gift one or send the link to this post to a friend. These are sized at 16×20, but can easily be resized to be an 8×10 as well.
Blair: Circa 1887

Eastman: Circa 1888
Nerwin: Circa 1940
Sauer: Circa 1962
*Please Note: All printables and downloads designed by Live Laugh Rowe are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. Please do not alter the file or claim it as your own. This file is not intended for resale, nor are the printed versions of this file.
Click Vintage Patent Prints Below to Print or Save (Sized at 16×20):
Circa 1887 Camera Patent | Circa 1888 Camera Patent
Circa 1940 Camera Patent | Circa 1962 Camera Patent
Snag one, two or all four and head off to your local print shop! Feel free to send me pics of them in your home, office, etc. I’d love to see them styled in your space.
I’ll leave you with this quote by Mark Denman: “God creates the beauty. My camera and I are a witness.” Isn’t that awesome? I love it!
Other photography related posts that might interest you:
Travel-Themed Gallery Wall
Self Portraits: Five Tips
Aperture, ISO, and Exposures : Oh My!
Photography 101 | ISO Camera Settings
Be sure to visit with me here too:
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tonilea says
My son would love these as he is a camera buff. I tried to download, but nothing happened. Quite possibly I am doing something wrong, but would you check please and see if it could be an error in cyberspace somehow. I am not great with technology, but I do know how to download (usually!) Thanks
Amy says
Love these! Some of my favorite times in college were Sunday afternoons in the darkroom processing my projects. 🙂
Anna Veach says
Hi Kelly, stumbled upon your blog when searching Pinterest for meal planning printables. I was just curious what frame you used for these prints? It looks awesome! Thanks!