Happy hellos from Rogersville, MO. Remember me? The girl who used to pop into your Inbox once a week? Haha.
Between taking a much-needed vacation and experiencing more loss this past week, I just needed to take some mental health days. And if I’m being honest, I’m pretty sure I’ll be taking more of them over the next couple of weeks too.

I suffer from anxiety. So, watching the shifts our country is taking, losing my fur baby, attending a funeral for a friend who passed away, finding out my car was totaled after my July accident, etc, etc. It’s all unsettling and has an impact on my heart and mind, creating anxiety. A lot of anxiety lately.
Life is hard and God is good, but I’ll tell you what — I’m also human. Yep. Perfectly imperfect.
With that being said — if you’ve felt overwhelmed lately, you’re not alone. I’m so glad that my hope is in the Lord. I was listening to this song, Jireh, in the car earlier today and it was a reminder that God is enough. He is all we need.
“But I will sing of your strength; I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. For you have been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress.” Psalm 59:16 (ESV).
Often I turn on worship music and allow my heart and mind to find a peaceful place where I can just rest. I hope you can do the same, whatever that may look like.
1. Let me start by sharing a devotional I started reading before bed each night this past week. It’s called Worry Less, Pray More: A Women’s Devotional Guide to Anxiety-Free Living. It’s been a blessing to end each day with a word of encouragement, scripture and really quiet my heart and soul.
2. We took a week to enjoy the Florida sunshine and breezy beaches in Sanibel, FL. Steve and I had a great time just relaxing. I was sipping on Pina Coladas (unfortunately, there were no BBC’s on the menu), listening to music, and reading a Nicholas Sparks book.
3. I found a new love for shelling while in Sanibel. I even bought myself a sand dipper while I was there. So many beautiful shells were found. They came home with me as my favorite souvenir of all time.
4. Have you been watching any of the Olympics? Gymnastics are a favorite of mine. I missed a lot of them while out of town, but that’s what DVRs are for, right? I even bought a Team USA sweatshirt from Old Navy to show support. U-S-A!
5. Today I got my 10-pound charm at WW (Weight Watchers). Considering vacation and some emotional eating I did this past week, I was tickled silly to lose weight and hit this mile marker.
6. Did you know that a shark will never outgrow its environment? So, a shark in a fish tank will only grow approximately 8 inches, but in the ocean, it will grow to 8 feet or more. Isn’t that incredible? Random, I know. However, it’s a pretty cool fact nonetheless, right?
Around the Web:
These Peach Upside Down Mini Cakes.
This Coconut Sorbet. Yes, please.
And these Mini Mason Lid Jar Strawberry Pies.
This Simple and Affordable Fall Entryway.
This DIY Giant Standing Mirror (for less than $100).
These (super fun) Chocolate DIpped Fruit-Filled Cones.
The Top 2021 Exterior Paint Color Trends for your Home.
These Kid-Approved School Lunches.
The BEST Way to Fall in Love with Your Home.
One Last Hoorah:
Fall (and even some winter posts) are starting to take off on Pinterest… and this Printable Fall Bucket List is on fire! Bring on all things Pumpkin and print yours today.
Ymana says
Kelly, I’m so sorry to hear about more loss in your life. Nothing threw me for a loop more than when my husband of 50 years died suddenly one Sunday as we were sitting in church. He had not been sick. It was a blood clot that went to his lungs. Nothing they did could bring him back. So, I do understand your anxiety and stress. Please know that my prayers are with you and so are the prayers of many others. One thing I’ve found out in the past year since he died is that I can do hard things and I can handle hard situations. So can you. Stress and anxiety are real and debilitating at times. I believe in you and the blessings Heavenly Father has waiting for you. He IS there. He knows you individually. He Does live. He does love us more than we can know. I’m praying for blessings, peace and comfort for you.
Katie says
Sorry to hear of your loss:(. Congrats on getting your charm from WW. I miss going to the meetings. The shark fact was pretty cool.
Jill says
Hi Kelly,
So sorry for your loss. On top of everything else that is going on in your life. Anxiety is so difficult. I am glad that you and your husband were able to have a nice getaway in Sanibel. I live close by and used to go. I miss it. I hope that you get all the rest you need.
May our Lord comfort you. Jill
Suzi says
As a believer, you are doing the very thing you should be doing when you are in a valley…
enveloping yourself in Him, His word and praise, etc. Thank you for inspiring us to do this in our lives!
Grace and peace🌹