Happy hello’s from rainy Rogersville. I’m so glad you’re here!
1. SUPER BOWL Weekend. Are you ready? And who are you cheering for?
What’s on our menu?
- Wings
- Pigs in a Blanket
- Chips and Dips (Queso/Guac/Salsa)
- Cupcakes (Red Velvet with Cream Cheese Frosting)
- Creampuffs
- Fruit
Need some inspo?
2. Last weekend, Steve and I tried a new church. It’s in Rogersville (closer to home), and we’ve heard good things about it. Fellowship Bible Church. They currently have FOUR services, which is crazy good but also insane. We enjoyed ourselves and will be returning. Time will tell if we want to make it our home church.
3. I’ve been trying to make overnight oats since starting WW. I’ve added fruit and walnuts or pumpkin, cinnamon, and pecans. My sister sent these overnight oat recipes to me, and I need to get a little more creative.
Do you have some favorite healthy mix-ins that you use?
4. When did Panera get so expensive? I had lunch with my sister on Thursday, and it cost $34 for two salads and two drinks. 😳 GULP. I love their Asian Chicken Salad, and it’s within my WW point budget. Winning.
5. Earlier this week, I shared a fun Football I Spy printable for some Super Bowl fun. Be sure to take a look. You could add this to the list above 🙂
6. Who watched the Grammys? NOT me. I honestly had no desire, but I’ve heard a lot about it and watched a few clips here and there. I think Beyonce’s “Cowboy Carter” won Album of the Year — and Best Country Album. That was a bit of a joke (insert all the rolling eyes). Too many other great artists were in those categories. That album was not worth the win. (Sorry, not sorry),
I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.
7. Are you familiar with the “Let Them” theory? I’ll tell you the more I grow, the more I am okay with accepting the “Let Them” in my life and relationships.
It’s powerful and accurate. Don’t make the mistake of being so understanding and forgiving that you overlook the fact that you’re being repeatedly disrespected.
Let them be upset.
Let them judge you.
Let them misunderstand you.
Let them gossip about you,
Let them ignore you.
Let them be “right.”
Let them doubt you.
Let them not like you.
Let them not speak to you.
Let them run your name in the ground.
Let them make you out to be the villain.
Whatever it is that people want to say about you, let them!
Kindly step aside and LET THEM.
The hard truth is they know how much they are hurting you. And they simply don’t care. They did it knowing it could cause them to lose you. And they did it anyway. People that love you care about how they make you feel — the end. Let them go.
There will be people who would rather lose you than be honest about what they’ve done to you. Let them go.
The lack of respect was the closure. The lack of apology was the closure. The lack of care was the closure. The lack of accountability was the closure. The lack of honesty was the closure. Let them go.
You can still be kind. You can even still love them deeply. But do it from the distance THEY created in their words and actions. Access to you is a privilege they have proven they can’t be trusted with.
Let them go.
Sleepless nights, countless tears, managing a range of emotions filled with anger, disappointment, confusion, and deep hurt?
If you are struggling with this, please know you are not alone. We will never understand why hurt people hurt people. But we can do the hard work to grow ourselves. Because healed people do, in fact, heal people.
Don’t you dare let them steal your joy.
Don’t you dare let them steal your light.
Don’t you dare let them steal your peace.
You are in control of that.
Hold tight to what you can control and release your grip on what you can’t control.
Let them go.
Check out The Let Them Theory book by Mel Robbins.
8. I have no idea where I saw this, but I enjoyed it; maybe you will, too! Texas Dance Troupe: The Emerald Belles performing at a dance competition.
Around the Web:
These Galentine’s Day Gift Tags.
These Printable Valentine’s Day Candy Boxes.
These stunning earrings! Treat yourself.
Not a morning person? This mug is for you!
These Baked Cottage Cheese Egg Muffins.
This Street Corn Chicken Bowl looks delish.
These Baked Feta Potatoes.
This Lavender Spring Simmer Pot Recipe.
Loving this bath mat.
Brass speaks to me — obsessed with this tray.
Suzi says
I’m with you regarding the win for Beyoncé’s “country” album…um, just no. Enjoy the Chiefs win tomorrow! 😁