Hello from my little corner of the Ozarks. Gosh, I’m so happy you’re here!
1. This was a week full of appointments. I had my hair done, which usually takes about three hours… I don’t love that part, but my hair always looks good. Haha.
I also had an appointment with an ophthalmologist. I’ve been seeing an optometrist since we moved here and thought I might switch to an ophthalmologist. Don’t even ask me why…. long story.
Friends, that visit was hysterical. First of all, the receptionist was a wee bit curious as to why I was there. I’m certain it was because 99% of the waiting room was senior adults, and I (little ole me) was the 1%.
Then there was the ordeal about my insurance possibly not covering the appointment — and, well, I couldn’t just leave. My eyes needed to be examined. I figured I’d go through with the appointment and consider going back to the optometrist if need be.
When placed in a second waiting room, everyone there (probably six others) said they had been waiting for an hour. Say what? I didn’t plan for that — and it was soooooo hot. I was praying that things would start to move along.
Everyone was chatting like they were best friends and none of them knew each other. I was dying inside in the best possible way, friend. I love people, but a whole room of seniors/patients chatting was new to me. They were showing each other pics of pets, and one guy pulled out the bait he “sews” when a woman mentioned she sews every day. 😂🤣
I later learned that the eye doctor was in emergency surgery outside the office, so things started to back up a bit. That gave me some relief.
At that time, I was reminded of the many visits to the OBGYN when he/she is called out to deliver a baby. I had no idea that’s how it worked with an ophthalmologist, too. 🤪
Lastly, I haven’t had my eyes dilated in YEARS! Holy cow, I forgot what that felt like. Plus, it was just me, myself, and I. Driving home was miserable.
In seeing the ophthalmologist, I learned (and confirmed) that I have dry eyes. Thank God for that confirmation. My eyes have been burning a lot lately. He also said that cataracts are present. Small, but present. Bummer.
This was an appointment to remember. My mom and I laughed as I told her of my adventures. I’m so glad I have a sense of humor.
2. I signed up for a gym membership. Yay! My husband gave me a hard time about this one due to my history with gyms. If I’m being honest, I hate going to the gym alone.
I’m sure it’s insecurities, BUT I need to have an option as the wet and warmer weather rolls in. And due to my heat intolerance, I won’t be able to do all the walking.
There are no joining or yearly fees, so if I only do it for the summer — no harm, no foul, right? I was excited to see they have Yoga classes a couple of days a week too.
“Motion is lotion” for the joints, and my joints need a lot of lotion. Yes and amen.
As of Friday, I’m down 12.2 pounds and determined to lose another 25-50 pounds. I want to feel better and make healthier choices for the long term.
3. Last weekend, Steve and I went to the Farmers Market and met up with my parents. We met these darling sisters who own a business, Two Sisters at Home. They were lovely ladies and great salesmen.
My mom and I were walking by their booth, and they asked if we’d like a sample. I always say, “No, thank you.” My mom said the same.
Then we heard, “Do you like lemon?” I giggled and said, “My mom does.” And the sampling began. I did end up tasting a piece of my mom’s sample, and I must admit that I was impressed. Steve’s favorite pie is lemon meringue, so I had a feeling he would like this too.
We told them we’d be back with our husbands and, well, the rest was history. We both bought three different items; however, the star of the show was Crackalacke Lemon Pi’.
I have no affiliation with them, just spreading a little love for these sisters and their seasoning packs. Check them out!
4. Did you happen to see the cuteness I posted earlier this week? Egg Carton Easter Baskets. Such a fun alternative!
5. On Wednesday, Steve and I decided on a day trip up to IKEA in Merriam, KS. We dropped the dogs off at doggy daycare and hit the road. It was a very long, 13-hour day. However, I got some retail therapy and enjoyed a nice day with my husband.
The fam-bam helped out with the dogs in picking them up and watching them for a couple of hours.
All of the pictures in today’s post are from IKEA’s showroom. I love walking through the showroom, it’s one of my favorite things to do while there. There’s so much to take in as far as organizational ideas, decorating ideas, and more.
We fell in love with the ivory and black kitchen. And that backsplash. Chefs kiss! Is a kitchen reno in our future? I hope so.
6. If you have Netflix, did you happen to see the documentary on the EF-5 tornado that hit Joplin, MO, in 2011? It’s called: The Twister: Caught in the Storm.
We watched it this week and it blew my mind. The footage was so intense and I cannot imagine what those people went through. It’s worth watching and I hope I never have to endure a storm of that magnitude.
My sister did several complimentary photography sessions for families who lost everything in that storm. When we drove into town that day (I tagged along to help hold the equipment for the sessions), it was such an unimaginable sight.
7. Steve and I are headed out to Billings, MO, this morning to check out a dog boarding facility. We just want the dogs to see/smell the place before their stay next month.
Yes, I’m a crazy dog mom. We haven’t boarded them before, so it’s going to be a BIG deal (especially for me, I’m a nervous wreck). I want them to be happy and have fun.
8. Did you know that there is only ONE day of the week with an anagram? Guess which day it is! The answer is at the end of the post, but guess first. Mmmkay? No cheating. Hee-hee.
Around the Web:
70+ Tiny Things that Give Us BIG Feelings.
These Key Lime Truffles. YUM!
This Avocado Feta Dip.
These Homemade Oatmeal Bars with Blackberries.
These Free Wall Prints, Summer Edition.
This Spring Garland Wreath.
These are beautiful artificial branches.
Is the newest Viral Home Trend, Farmcore, for you?
These Sunglasses.
Answer to #8: Monday is the only day of the week with an anagram: dynamo. (Real Fact #1229).
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