Hi friends! I had intended for this post to be all hearts, love and kisses! Then some sad news kind of rained on my parade: reality. Last night while I was debating what I wanted to write, if I wanted to write, and thinking of the 100 things on my to-do list, the knot in my neck seemed to become more uncomfortable. Then I saw a devastating post on Facebook. A college friend was diagnosed with melanoma cancer this summer and it’s turned into something much more aggressive, so much so that he is now in hospice. What? As tears began to fall down my cheeks, I was quickly reminded that my silly stresses were absolutely ridiculous in comparison to what this family is going through. It also made me want to march upstairs and give my husband a big kiss and say, “love you.” I guess the Lord’s timing was perfect when this shabby chic printable was penciled into my editorial calendar. It was time for a reminder…
A reminder for what, you ask? Life is uncertain and, often times, it’s unexpectedly cut entirely too short. Let this printable serve as a simple reminder to express your love more often and with a passion, friends.
When my husband and I were dating, we took a road trip to Toronto to visit friends of his, Jim and Teresa. We had a lovely visit, but I’ll never forget watching Teresa send her son off to the school bus and hearing their dialogue:
Mom: Love you!
Son: Love you more!
Mom: Love you most!
Son: Impossible!
It was their interaction, expressions and emotion that made me feel all kinds of warm and fuzzy inside. The sweet power of love.
These sweet shabby chic printables are available in both the 5×7 and the 8×10. Print one off for your home, office or a friend. You might even tuck one into your hubby’s briefcase, wife’s lunch bag or the kiddos backpack. Oh the lovely possibilities! I think it will spread a little love, don’t you?

*Please Note: All printables and downloads designed by Live Laugh Rowe are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. Please do not alter the file or claim it as your own. This file is not intended for resale, nor are the printed versions of this file.
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength,
while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” (Lao Tzu)
This post and message of love is dedicated to Greg and his family. Our prayers are with you, friend!
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Liz says
So sorry about your friend Kelly. Life is unpredictable and unfair many times.
Kelly Rowe says
Thanks Liz. Really appreciate it. 🙂 Enjoy the rest of your evening. xo.
Jennie @ Little Girl Designs says
Kelly, Your post just hit the spot with me too as a friend’s mom unexpectedly died this week. Life is way too short. :/ Praying for your friend and for you too that you’ll know how to be an encouragement during this time! Thank you so much for sharing your lovely printables. They are such a good reminder to all of us to love well!
Kelly Rowe says
Thanks so much Jennie! I appreciate your kind words. We need to love hard…that is for sure. Have a great evening. HUGS.
Brie says
Sorry to hear about your friend. Thats awful! I go through what I think is “stress” and then seeing something like this brings me back to reality and makes me think about what I’m grateful for! Love this printable though! So cute and festive!
Kelly Rowe says
Thank you Brie! I think sometimes we have to be reminded that life is indeed short and love a little harder when we can. HUGS!
Runwright says
That’s sad news about your friend. I can’t imagine how he is feeling, knowing what is inevitable for him, but I know it is also really sad to know and love him and watch him fight this losing battle. I cry with you but there is still hope in this world, people to love no matter how many of them we lose.
I hope today is a better day for you.
Kelly Rowe says
Thank you so much! I appreciate it. Enjoy the rest of your evening. xo.
Lisa says
Sorry for your loss but love the printable.
Kelly Rowe says
Thanks Lisa! Printables have a way of brightening a day. 🙂 Have a great evening. xo.
Virginia Fynes says
SO sweet! This will look great in my little girls room, thanks and pinned!
Kelly Rowe says
Thanks Virginia! Appreciate the Pin as well. A printable can be such a bright spot to a room as I’m sure it will be for your daughter. HUGS!
Lonna says
So sorry to hear about your friend, my heart goes out to you…Thank you for the printable and thank you also for giving me the pick up that I needed..hugs n love
Kelly Rowe says
Thanks Lonna! We all need a little pick me up from time to time. 🙂 Enjoy the rest of your evening. xo.
Bobbie says
Thank you, Kelly, for your site, and the hard work that goes along with creating it!
I’m sorry to hear about Gregg, and the pain you, along with his family are going through. Life is unpredictable, and yes, we should take every opportunity to tell those we love that we do. No regrets, only happy memories to sustain us.
Kelly Rowe says
Bobbie, you are too kind. I appreciated reading your kind words. Sometimes we need a reminder that life is short and to love those close to us a little harder. Have a great evening. HUGS!
Amanda @ Dwelling in Happiness says
This is just the CUTEST! I love the print and colors. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Kelly Rowe says
Thanks so much Amanda. 🙂 I appreciate it. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. xo.
Maritza says
Thanks for the lovely reminder and printable!
Kelly Rowe says
Thanks Maritza! Appreciate you stopping by. 🙂 Enjoy the rest of your weekend. HUGS.
Anonymous says
Sorry to hear about your friend. Keep strong.
Kendra @ www.joyinourhome.com says
So sorry about your friend, Kelly!! xox On a happier note, I love this printable!!! Just doing the ORC for our daughter and I will definitely be using this printable for her room (I’ll be sure to give you credit!) Hugs!