Friends, this beautiful vintage-inspired Old Fashioned Lemonade Printable is a new favorite! It’s perfect for summer and makes me want to whip up a big ole’ pitcher of lemonade!
Old Fashioned Lemonade Printable

Before we talk about summer, let me say how excited I am that we’re actually getting some SPRING weather this year. Last year we went from winter to summer overnight, and it sucked! Crisp mornings, green grass and more make my heart happy.
The last thing I want to do is brush spring off, BUT (as we all know) summer is just around the corner.
So, what do you think of when you think of summer? The beach? Barbecues? Pool time? Or maybe it’s just enjoying a big glass of lemonade on the back patio — feeling the sunshine on your face!
I think the last one is a winner! Just sounds so perfectly relaxing and refreshing. Right? You know what they say, if life hands you lemons — make LEMONADE!
Well, hopefully this lemonade printable will have that same effect on you (hee-hee). I adore that the recipe for good Old Fashioned Lemonade is on this printable too. Plus, yellow is such a happy color. Don’t you agree?
Vintage-Inspired Summer Printable

The download is available at the end of the post…
However, I wanted to mention that I teamed up with some seriously talented bloggers and have over TWENTY fabulous summer-themed printables for you to check out! A big thanks to Kristen of Ella Claire for coordinating! Enjoy, friends… I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.
20+ Beautiful Summer Printables

Check out these lemon printables too!
Life’s Short… squeeze!
Make Lemonade printables
Lolly Jane says
Pretty AND practical! Love it, Kelly!
Jennifer Lifford says
So cute! There’s nothing more summer than fresh lemonade!!
Carmia says
This is gorgeous! And I love all the other bloggers’ prints too! Just a note – the link to Taryn Whiteaker’s post is broken.
Kelly Rowe says
Hi Carmina! Thanks so much for stopping by — and I corrected the broken link. Have a blessed day! -xo
Gayelynne Richards says
I’m new here. I love your printables! I have noticed that some of the prints are in pdf format and other are in jpd format. I’m just trying to figure out how to print (not on my home printer) the different formats. I can’t do pdf on Costco website, which is your format. So i guess I have them printed at a Staples/Kinkos? What is your suggestion for good quality prints?
Thank you!
Kelly Rowe says
Hi Gayelynne. Yes, I would recommend an office store like Staples or Kinkos. I would suggest trying to convert the PDF into a JPEG; however, I’m not sure what computer you have and if you’re comfortable looking into that. When I don’t print at home, I print at Staples. Hope that helps! Hugs.
Jana says
So fun to find this lovely free print linked through another website I frequent! Although, I believe the picture of a lemon is actually a grapefruit, since I have both a lemon and grapefruit tree in my yard. 🙂
Doris says
love it
Ymana Johnson says
Hi Kelly,
I found this page after beginning at your most recent e-mail and then clicking several links on several different other blog pages. You seem to know where to find all kinds of printables. I’m not so good at locating them. I’m wondering if you have a list or a list of sources showing these and other lovely printables. I especially like florals and Victorian (old-timey) layouts.
I’ve been collecting all the scattered supplies I need to print on those kitchen towels. I haven’t forgotten to send a picture of them to you when I finally get them finished.
Sincerely, Ymana Johnson
Carmen says
I love them all they are beautiful. Thank you frist time doing these craft.