Yep! Another plank wall project….
well, a first for us, but a gazillion around the web!
Awesome Plank Wall Project

If you follow me on Periscope (livelaughrowe), you might know that we’ve been working on a brand new project! For the longest time I’ve wanted to make some ch-ch-ch-changes to our front room (according to our builder, the formal name for this room is the Living Room — and what we call our Living Room is technically the Great Room. Confused? Me too! Ha.) Anywho, this room has really had no purpose other than a desk, bookshelf and printer (and piles of books, a dog bed, etc).
The lighting is pretty rad in this front room though, so we’ve been talking about me using it as the photo studio. However, it’s the first room you see upon entering our home too. Decisions. Decisions.
Anywho, I have a styling project/challenge that I’m working on with a brand and thought now was the perfect time to make some changes and it’s all started with a PLANK WALL.
Now, I’m going to be perfectly honest with you and say that I thought this room update would be easy breezy. Seriously, I mean how hard could it be?
I even said, “We’ll knock this room out in one weekend.”
Ummm, not so much. Half way through the plank wall,
the husbands says, “Kelly, don’t ever ask me to do this again.”
Womp womp womp. However, I did laugh because
I was able to admit that I was a little delusional.
(I’m also never afraid to laugh at myself. I’m a big dork).
Overall, the plank wall itself took about 12 hours…. it’s not so much a difficult job, it’s just extremely time consuming to cut and nail the boards to the wall. There’s a lot of measuring, cutting, nailing — and then some more measuring, cutting and nailing. For our wall, that was approximately 30 rows.
We were going to use tongue and groove boards, but decided that was not the look we were going for, so after a couple of hours in Home Depot, we were finally ready to roll with 1×4’s. Our wall is 12 foot wide, and 9 foot high. It costed approximately $100 in lumber.
We decided not to wing the cuts, so we planned ours out to ensure there wouldn’t be any obvious seams. I’d say we ‘nailed’ that part. Boom!
Here’s the work in progress (as gif):
Thankfully, the bottom trim came off easily, we recut and attached. For the outlets, we bought Switch and Receptacle Spacers so that we didn’t have to move them.
Since I gave it a good sanding, we hung the plastic tarp in an attempt to conceal the dust. If you’re a Dexter fan, you can imagine a few jokes were cracked. Last step? We caulked the four edges before painting!
- All boards are not created equal.
- Imperfections are OKAY. With a plank wall, imperfections add character.
- For a 9″ ceiling, go with 1 x 6 boards. In hindsight, we think that would have looked just as good and allowed for a few less cuts.
- On a wall this size, using a penny for spacing was a headache — we decided to wing it. Do you remember what I said earlier about character? Yep, I’m kind of driving that point home {wink}.
The plank wall has officially received two coats of the white paint (Behr Nano White).
The remainder of the walls will be getting a light gray. Fingers and toes are crossed that it’s going to all look fabuloso. Consider this this to a teaser, since it will be awhile before I post anything on this room (wink). However, you can see some behind the scenes and progress of the room by following along over on Instagram or Periscope, both under the username livelaughrowe.
Deal? Deal! I’m super excited to keep the momentum going on this room and will be sharing a final reveal in a month or two. HUGS!
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Linking up to Between Naps on the Porch
Lauren says
This is too funny. I am literally painting my second coat on our new plank wall today. And I said the exact same thing to my husband, “We’ll have this thing knocked out in a day, honey!” Ha! Famous last words. He’s been a great sport about it though. I can’t wait to see how this whole space comes together, Kelly! Gray will look beautiful with it. And I totally agree about the 6″ wide planks. Definitely doing that next time because our 3.5″ ones took for-e-ver!
Kelly Rowe says
How funny Lauren!! I bet your plank wall looks great! Thank goodness for patient husbands. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and sharing about your project. Have a great day. xo.
Patricia says
This looks so fabulous! We used pallet wood and made our wall in our bedroom… I say we … I really mean, my hubby! Because yes! he is so wonderful that way!
After living with it for almost 10 mos… really?!?! (I’ll have to check that, can’t believe it) well, anyway, pondering painting. Because… BAM! yours looks so pretty and crisp!
Kelly Rowe says
Aw, thanks so much Patricia. 🙂 I appreciate it. I’m sure Pallet wood wall looks great! Have a great day. xo.
Terri says
Seriously! I have to wait a month or two? Lol! Can’t wait to see the final design for this project. Looks great so far, especially with a good helper! Thanks for sharing!
Kelly Rowe says
Thanks so much Terri! I appreciate it. If I can post something sooner, I will. 😉 Enjoy the rest of your week. HUGS.
Jenn says
Love it times a million! And hello fabulous backdrop (I’m sure that never crossed your mind 😉 )
Kelly Rowe says
Thanks friend! I’m super excited about this wall. 🙂 HUGS from STL!!
Julie says
Wow, this looks fabulous! You are brave for taking on this project! I would love to do something like this but don’t think I have the patience or the skills, haha.
(found you through Metamorphosis Monday)
Kelly Rowe says
Thanks Julie! I appreciate you stopping by! Plank walls are so versatile…you should consider taking it on as a project in the future. Have a great day. xo.
Amy W says
The plank wall! Sounds like it was a task and a half, but even with the tarp and all, it still looks amazing. Can’t wait to see more updates!
Kelly Rowe says
Thanks so much Amy! It was definitively more work then we thought…but so worth it. 🙂 Stay tuned for updates and have a great day! 🙂 HUGS.
gail says
I love the look of your new planked wall! 🙂 Great job on planning it all out.
will be pinning, and sharing on FB.
Kelly Rowe says
Thanks so much Gail! I appreciate it…as well as the Pin and FB share! It was fun and turned out exactly as I hoped! 🙂 Have a great day. xo.
Stephanie R says
I never thought in a million and one years that I would say that I like wood on walls, but this
Kelly Rowe says
Thanks Stephanie! I know…who would of thought, right? 🙂 There are some amazing wood walls out there. The possibilities are endless. Maybe one of these days, you’ll give one a try. Have a great day. HUGS.
Gina Warren says
So happy I stumbled across your website via Pintrest, I have a cute converted attic that my buddy or ex buddy gutted and one wall is a disaster so I am going to try this plank wall in the Spring! Thanks, Gina