With school about to start, I thought it would be nice to share these Free Printables for Teachers. I have quite a few friends who teach, so I had them in mind when creating these teacher printables.
These four quotes and statements all jumped out at me. I may not be a teacher, but if I were, these would be hanging in my classroom or home. However, they would make great teachers gifts too — just add a frame (wink).

FREE Printables for Teachers

I can honestly say that as a child, I took my teachers for granted. It’s now that I can look back and remember how some of them really did impact my life. Wouldn’t it be fun to sit down over a cup of coffee and tell stories about some of our teachers?
Gosh, I’m sitting here taking a long walk down memory lane. So many wonderful teachers from elementary school, junior high and high school… and for those of us who were raised in the church — we can’t forget our sunday school teachers either.
I remember one Sunday School teacher that said we should always open a prayer with gratitude. I’ll never forget how he said that when we pray, we’re always asking for things — so why not open with words of thankfulness. Sitting in that church kitchen (yep, that’s where my sunday school class met) and hearing those words has stuck with me through the years. The influence of a good teacher can never be erased.
Save or Download The Influence of a Good Teacher
For all the teachers who might be reading this — we know you work hard. Many days (except for the summer time), it’s a very similar routine: Coffee, Teach, Sleep, Repeat. If you who can relate, you’ll appreciate this printable….
Save or Download Coffee-Teach-Sleep-Repeat
I don’t have many memories of my early school years. However, I do remember in Kindergarten, one teacher reading The Mouse and the Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary to the class. That was a story that has stuck with me through the years.
I think it does truly take a big heart to teach little minds. Lots of passion, patience and heart!
Save or Download Big Hearts-Little Minds
Robert Frost is such a great writer and a favorite of mine. This quote is powerful! Don’t you agree?
Save or Print Robert Frost Quote about Teachers
Please Note: All printables and downloads designed by Live Laugh Rowe are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. Please do not alter the file or claim it as your own. This file is not intended for resale, nor are the printed versions of this file.
I hope you’re able to put these teacher printables to good use. And to all of the teachers, THANK YOU!
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