My recent Thrifty Finds. Oh the Possibilities!
I am doing my darndest to start making regular stops at Goodwill and keeping my eyes peeled for some curbside trash {giggle}. Hey, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do! Over the past few weeks, here are a few of my thrifty finds, some were even FREE.
This side table will most likely be my first official furniture makeover with Annie Sloan paint. I haven’t scheduled this project yet, but stay tuned! I’m pretty excited. It’s a sweet little table, don’t you agree? $9.00 at Goodwill.
FREE pallets, FREE is the best kind of thrifty finds! I stalked these for a week or so . They were resting up against a trash bin, after seeing them sitting there day after day as lonely as can be — I recruited the help of my hubby to pick a couple of them up “under the cover of darkness.” YAY! I completed one project already: DIY Pallet Planter Box. Stay tuned for another in the near future.
The little brown treasure box is from Goodwill. I was one of the crazy few to go to the Grand Opening of a Goodwill up the road. It was insanely busy. This box is a Target item, with it’s tags still on it. I {love} accessories and boxes — especially the ones that give me storage options and secret hiding places. Shhhhh.
The Red Man picnic basket was a HUGE score. $8.00 from Goodwill. I’ve seen similiar baskets on e-bay ranging from $25-$89. No changes will be made to this piece. It’s perfectly old and a bit eclectic. I think it might find a place by the fireplace with babies breath flowing out of it and the lid propped open. Maybe? We’ll see. Regardless, it will be a perfect piece to use for styling/propping pictures for the blog and/or my store, such as this:
Pom Pom Garland styled for House 129
Isn’t this basket GORGEOUS?
This chair was also FREE. While assisting at a photo shoot, I passed this chair sitting by the curb (trash). I was like, “Umm, I need to throw this in the car.” No idea what will come of this beauty, but it’s in fabulous condition. It will (eventually) be put to good use after a makover.
The last of my thrifty finds, another chair — that I am in {love} with. I love the extra high back piece, that’s what caught my eye in the first place. Perfectly unique. Both of these were scores from Goodwill. The chair was $6.00 and the mirror was $4.00 It’s hard to see the detail on the mirror, but you get the idea. I’m going to add some color to both of these pieces. Squeal! Isn’t this exciting? Stay tuned… Oh, do you have any thrifty finds you’d like to share? Paste a link in your comment so I can swing by!
Thrifty Love Fridays @ Cap Creations
Thrifty Treasures @ Southern Hospitality.
This post is sponsored by Garage Sales R Us.
Stop by and say hello!

High Heeled Life says
Can’t wait to see how you re-purpose these!! Seeing all the great make-overs of finds (goodwill or curbside) is inspiring me to also consider taking a walk through our local goodwill store. xo HHL
Kelly says
YAY! Well, I hope you found enough inspiration to make that trip… I stop in regularly because it’s so hit or miss… Have a great week 🙂
Danni Baird says
Yeah…..I keep thinkin I need a bigger vehicle!!
Kelly says
LOL. I have a Nissan Altima. I will do whatever it takes to get things to fit in my car… or call my neighbor with a truck 🙂
sara @ applestone drive says
Those are amazing finds!! We are in the process of moving back to our home in St Louis and we have 2 great thrift stores right by our house. I can’t wait to go and find some treasures. 🙂
Kelly says
Well, Sara — we might have to do some thrifting together since we’re both in STL 🙂 Thanks for stopping by. Happy moving!!
Laura @ says
Can’t wait to see what becomes of your “trash.”
Kelly says
HAHA! Love your play on words, Laura… I hope I don’t disappoint. I’m sitting here thinking I just put a LOT of pressure on myself. Sigh. Thanks for stopping by. Have a lovely week 🙂
Lynne says
Sarah and Kelly – If you don’t mind divulging secrets, could you tell me where you Goodwill/thrift, or at least give me a neighborhood? The shops closest to my home seem to be mostly full of awful things. Perhaps I am just not patient enough to pick through everything, or clever enough to see the possibilities? I am also in the STL, but in the city proper. Do I need to be heading out to the county? Thanks!
Lynne says
Sorry for the misspell Sara!
Kelly says
Hi Lynne. It’s always hit or miss. Some days I go and I’m super disappointed and others, it’s like striking gold. I mainly go to the Goodwills in O’Fallon and Lake St. Louis. The one in Chesterfield has some good finds. I also LOVE the antique malls down in Brentwood. My Shabby Chic makeover had several old frames from those shops. I’m not originally from this area, so I can’t say I’m familiar with your area. Maybe Sara will be of help 🙂
Mindy says
I love your finds! I am going through something similar with all of my Mom’s things… There are so many of them! I have a bookcase I am looking at re-doing!
Kelly says
Thanks, Mindy! Have fun finding some of those treasures. I’ll be keeping a look out for that bookcase makeover 😉
cassidy says
Wow! Great finds. That black chair is fabulous!!
Kelly says
Thanks for stopping by, Cassidy. The black chair is fabulous; however, I’m not sure how long it will stay black 🙂 xo-Kelly
Kristi says
One of my best recent thrifty finds is a vintage tablecloth. It had a few stains, but they are mostly gone:
Isn’t it fun to find bargains? Yours look great!
Kelly says
Hi Kristi! Yes, your vintage tablecloth is darling!! Finding a bargain is FABULOUS, I get soooo excited 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a lovely day. Hugs!
Melissa says
Such great finds! you never know what you will find at Goodwill! and I love supporting Goodwill for what they do for the community!
Kelly says
Thanks, Melissa! And you’re so right — they are doing a lot of wonderful things for communities. Have a fabulous week-end!
jill wilhelm says
Hey Kelly! I love all of your finds! I redid my diningroom before I sold it and the chair looked sooo similiar!
I’m glad I saw your post…I am going to have a tea party for my daughter this weekend and I would love to do that garland! Too bad I don’t have one of your thrifty tools! It just wont be as fun 😉
Ok, so I have wanted to ask everytime I see your beautiful pics! What is that pallet backdrop? I just LOVE it! and have been dying to ask! Is it a wall? Or a backdrop?
Kelly says
Hey Jill! Yes, the chairs do have similarities 🙂 Have fund with the tea party. I am so in {love} with pom pom banners right now. LOL. The backdrop is a photographers backdrop… I get to use lots of my sisters goodies being that she is a photographer. Thanks for loving on it!! Hugs.
Catherine says
Wow! You have had some thrifty finds! Love them all, but if you lived a little closer (like the same country) I’d be nabbing that picnic basket!
Kelly says
Hi Catherine 🙂 Thanks so much! That picnic basket is pretty great, right? I trust you’re having a lovely week!! xo, Kelly
kara says
Very fun!
Kelly says
Thanks, Kara!
Liz says
So much treasure. I’m feeling the need to go out driving around because I believe the trash is calling me. It’s bulk trash day tomorrow morning. One never knows around here. Thanks for the reminder to get out there and get looking!
Debra Kapellakis says
I would like to have the table, the last chair and the mirror, thank you very much! In other words, way to go!