Add a little gold to anything and it makes it just a little more fabulous! These printable bottle tags do just that. Place these on a bottle of wine, sparkling cider, champagne or a couple of beers!
FREE Printable Bottle Tags

I don’t drink much, it makes me super duper warm and I usually hive out — so it’s not something I make a habit of. I prefer a diet coke, ginger ale, sparkling cider, water, etc.
If I do enjoy a glass of wine on occasion, I prefer Prosecco (my new fave since our trip to Italy), Marco Negri, Pinot Grigio or Sangria. I can’t drink reds, they give me headaches. Guess what my husbands favorite wine is? Cabernet Sauvignon (a red). Opposites attract in every sense of the word. HA!
What I love about these printable bottle tags is their versatility! You can basically use them on anything and for any celebration. Since New Years is quickly approaching — add a tag to a bottle of wine or liter of Diet Coke before you head out to the NYE parties.
After the New Years, keep this idea in your back pocket to celebrate an engagement, house warming, anniversary, birthday and more! Did I mention versatility?
The colors and the designs are very artsy, almost modern (which if far from my style), but the pattern caught my eye and I just loved the different colors. All of the splashes of gold are pretty fantastic, right?
Each wine bottle hang tag is is sized at 3″x 7″. Simply print, cut, fold on the fold line (see below) and attach to your bottle of choice! Voila.
*Please Note: All printables and downloads designed by Live Laugh Rowe are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. Please do not alter the file or claim it as your own. This file is not intended for resale, nor are the printed versions of this file.
DOWNLOAD Bottle Tags (Set of 3)
Here’s to celebrations, hostess gifts and memories!
psst! Don’t forget to pin this awesomeness.
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