A sweet Hello Winter printable with so many winter favorites pulled together for festive decor or for gifting! Did I mention it’s been created in colorful watercolor as well?
Winter is officially here! So, I should start off with an exciting proclamation of Happy Winter. To celebrate, I thought I would create a printable that features so many winter favorites.
Colorful and Festive Hello Winter Printable

While the temperatures are far from wintery here in Rogersville, MO right now, I’m truly dreaming of a White Christmas. How about you? Are you in an area that gets snow? Do you enjoy it?
I have so many wonderful childhood winter memories. Sledding with the family. Playing in the snow until we had to thaw out with a cup of hot cocoa. I used to wear sweaters ALL the time, but hot flashes have me wearing cardigans more than anything. It’s much easier to add or remove a layer that way (hee-hee).
“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth,
for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk
beside the fire: it is the time for home.” -Edith Sitwell
The cardinal was added because of my dad. He’s always been a big fan of birds. And there is something beautiful about the bright red of a cardinal with the snow in the background. Don’t you agree? The next time you’re enjoying a cup of coffee, tea or cocoa and there is snow — keep an eye out for one of these beautiful birds in your yard. They always seem to take my breath away (especially in the winter).
The silly boots make me chuckle. I remember owning a pair of ankle height duck boots and if my memory serves me correctly, I wore them when my sister and I delivered newspapers on Sunday mornings. Yep, I was a paper girl. Oh the stories I could tell — and it was never my favorite job either.
While writing this post, I’m sitting here with a big smile on my face. Winter is truly one of my favorite seasons, sometimes I think it’s all the lovely memories I have made over the years. Blessed to have parents who made the the season so memorable.
Below are two versions of this festive printable — one with a blue background and one with a white one. The white one is a little more ink friendly (wink).
Sized as an 8×10, I hope you’re able to display this somewhere where will you’ll be reminded of wonderful winter memories. Feel free to gift one to a teacher, a neighbor or friend. Thanks!
*Please Note: All printables and downloads designed by Live Laugh Rowe are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. Please do not alter the file or claim it as your own. This file is not intended for resale, nor are the printed versions of this file. Clipart created by PaperSphinx.
Download or Save Winter Favorites (Blue)
Download or Save Winter Favorites (White)
NOTE: Be sure to select FIT TO PAGE when printing! And if you’re looking for some more winter fun, be sure to check out my Winter I Spy Printable! Great activity for a snow day.
Enjoy, sweet friends.Be sure to visit with me here too:
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mary m young says
Lovely pictures. I don’t know if you are still doing Weight Watchers or not. I thought you would get a chuckle out of this one. Last week I gained l.8 lbs and couldn’t figure out why because I was good or so I thought. Then I realized that I had eaten a whole bag of grapes during the week here and there. No more grapes for me. So this week I lost 1.8 lbs and no grapes. So I guess we are what we eat. Merry Christmas. I went through Mo. once years ago from Illinois and I thought that it was a lovey state. Watch those grapes. lol.
Kelly Rowe says
Hi Mary! I took a couple of months off of WW, but will be jumping back in soon. Good to know about the grapes… I guess they’re high in sugar?!?! Fruit can be tricky (hee-hee). Merry Christmas to you and yours — and Happy Winter! Hugs.
mary m says
Thanks for your reply. I took a very valuable and education nutrition course a couple of years ago. One thing I learned was the blue berries and strawberries are at the low end
of the glycemic index. You can guess what is at the high end? Grapes!
Claudia says
Gee aren’t those hot flashes fun? They say to dress in layers— but you can only remove so many clothes.I too really enjoy this time of year. I live in Nebraska so sometimes we can get a lot of snow. So far not to much of the white stuff. Hope you have a great holiday season with snow to play in.