Who loves winter? I do, but… (more to come on that). Nevertheless, with my love for winter and making printables, I thought I would share this simple and sweet Reasons to Love Winter Print.
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Reasons to Love Winter Print

So, back to my love of winter… I do love it. My favorite part is the cold temperatures and snowfalls. Despite my love for winter, as I’ve gotten older, my joints don’t like the cold temps very much. And on the other hand, cooler temps are a blessing when you need to cool off from hot flashes. For real!
However, I can say that the reasons to love winter vary for many people. Whether it’s a trip to the ski slopes, bundling up for a walk through the snow, cuddling up with a book while wearing your favorite sweater or sipping on a hot drink — each of these items brings most of us a reasonable amount of joy. Right?
Free Winter Print

I remember going ice skating with my youth group when I was in high school. It was a stressful disaster. HA! I would much rather roller skate (with four wheels) that ice skate on a single blade. There is no doubt in my mind that I was a hot mess and great entertainment.
And truth be told, I’ve never been skiing. I have a real fear of falling and breaking bones. Sad, but true.
However, snow-capped mountains, snow flurries, hot drinks, sweaters, hats, and gloves — those are my jam, friends. How about you? What do you love about winter?
Other winter printables to check out:
Winter Bucket List
Winter Inspired I Spy Game
Hello Winter Printable
Keep Warm and Snuggle Up
Welcome, winter. Your late dawns and chilled breath
make me lazy, but I love you nonetheless.
– Terri Guillemets
These winter printables are sized at a 5×7. I put a faint color on one so it’s ready to go for you. Simply print, cut and display (or gift). The other winter print is in black and white, perfect for kids of all ages to enjoy a little coloring session. Enjoy!
Reasons to Love Winter Prints
*Please Note: All printables and downloads designed by Live Laugh Rowe are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. Please do not alter the file or claim it as your own. This file is not intended for resale, nor are the printed versions of this file.
When printing these documents, be sure to scale the document to 100% so that each month prints to a true 5×7. Enjoy!
Download Black and White Winter Print
Download Lightly Colored Winter Print
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