Anybody else love sterling silver jewelry? It’s my go-to jewelry. Silver is usually my go-to jewelry. Sure I have gold and other colorful pieces of jewelry too, but caring for my silver jewelry is a very different process due to tarnish. I wanted to share a simple way on how to avoid tarnished silver jewelry.

How to Avoid Tarnished Silver Jewelry

Of course there are cloths and wipes to polish the tarnish off of the pieces, but what if you could store your silver jewelry to avoid tarnishing all together? You’ll be happy to hear that this is a simple and inexpensive option too!
Years ago, I ordered some Silpada jewelry (unfortunately, it’s no longer in business). Each piece arrived in boxes, but they were also packed in zip top bags with a small piece of black paper. At the time I didn’t know what that paper was; however, I left all the jewelry in its original packaging over the years. I later learned that the Silpada packaging was a form of silver jewelry storage that prevented silver tarnishing.
I also discovered that little piece of black paper was anti tarnish paper. I’ve owned that Silpada jewelry for 10+ years and I’ve never had to clean them. So, it was time to find some more of that anti-tarnish paper for all of my silver jewelry. I found some by 3M on Amazon used zipper poly bags that I had on-hand amongst my craft supplies.
Were you familiar with anti tarnish paper? I was recently talking to a friend about this and she said she had an anti tarnish lines jewelry box. That sounds like a great jewelry box to have as well.
Other cleaning products or anti tarnish products you might be interested in include:
anti tarnish silver cloth | anti tarnish zip top bags | anti tarnish zippered bag
coin and jewelry anti tarnish bags | anti tarnish drawer liner
I hope you learned a new tip today — or maybe you’re feeling inspired to get your silver jewelry organized and stored more appropriately (in an anti-tarnish bag or holder). I’d love to hear any of your tips too. Please share them in the comments below.
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jane w says
Brilliant! Thanks for sharing! Im off to forward to my friends!
Kelly Rowe says
Thanks so much Jane! I’m glad that you enjoyed the information. 🙂 Enjoy. HUGS.
Jaipurr says
Awesome idea! Thanks for sharing with us 🙂