Well, I’ve been delaying this post for quite some time. I wasn’t sure where to start, what to share, what not to share and the list goes on and on and on. However, as I sat down in front of my computer today, God spoke to my heart the words, “a time for everything.” That then led me to Ecclesiastes 3 where it says, “To everything there is a season...”
Beautiful Passage found in Ecclesiastes 3

Have you ever read the passage of scripture found in Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8*? It’s a powerful passage….
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted
3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
*This passage is from the King James Version (KJV).
If you’ve followed my infertility journey, you might know that verse 4 is where I’ve been in a holding pattern for many years. After deciding not to pursue adoption, an unsuccessful IVF and fighting the good fight with endometriosis — I’ve wept, laughed and mourned off and on over the the years. Don’t get me wrong, I’m blessed beyond measure and LOVE life to the fullest — I’ve just carried an ache in my heart.
Well, last year I started experiencing more pain than usual from (what I thought was) the endometriosis and visited with my OBGYN. Earlier this year I scheduled another appointment to discuss my options. I thought we might move forward with another laparoscopic; however, it was discovered that my uterus is enlarged and there are a few fibroid tumors present as well. So, next month (on June 6th), I’ll be having a partial hysterectomy. At this time, the plan is to remove the uterus and keep the ovaries.
C.S Lewis Quote + Printable (scroll to bottom)
It’s funny how you talk about your options and pray for God’s will, but when an option finally comes to fruition and it’s one that will close the door on motherhood — it literally takes your breath away. I’ve shed a few tears, but I’m also looking ahead and excited to embrace life from a pain-free perspective. Quality of life is another way to look at this…. because pain sucks the life right out of you, friends.
So, let’s revisit Ecclesiastes 3 where it reminds us that there’s a time for everything. When we get to verse 3, we read, “a time to heal.” While I’ll be physically healing for several weeks after the surgery, I know that God will continue to heal the emotional loss that seems to overwhelm me every now and again.
While this chapter of my life comes to a close, let me remind you that I am confident this is what God’s perfect will was for my life. The why is something I might not ever know or understand; however, I do know that even when my prayers aren’t answered the way I had hoped, “He is still good.” (Daniel 3:18).
With that being said, I want to remind you that life can be messy and disappointing. If you’re facing a hardship, disappointment, sickness or loss — you are not alone. “To everything there is a season…” Trust the journey and keep looking forward, not backward.
I recently saw this quote at a friends house and it seemed appropriate for my current season, so it spoke to me (plus, I love C.S. Lewis).
“There are far, far better things ahead
than any we leave behind. ”
—C.S. Lewis
So, I am looking ahead with great anticipation of all that God has in store… many more adventures in our Oliver Travel Trailer, growing old with my husband, drinking way too much coffee, making unforgettable memories with family and friends and laughing so hard that my cheeks hurt.
Life is hard, but God is sooooo good.
I hope you’re encouraged, friends! Keep Ecclesiastes 3 close to your heart and remember that “to everything there is a season…” I also hope that you’ll pray along with me on June 6th and send lots of good vibes my way. Many, many thanks!
I created this somewhat whimsical printable (sized at a 5×7) for you to enjoy as well.
Free 5×7 Printable

*Please Note. Printables and downloads designed by Live Laugh Rowe are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. Please do not alter the file or claim it as your own. This file is not intended for resale, nor are the printed versions of this file.
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Please be thoughtful in your comments and know that we have considered every possible avenue (adoption, foster parenting, etc) and underwent an IVF procedure. These are very personal and difficult decisions to make. I know that when friends, family, readers make a suggestion, you’re all doing it with good intentions, but that’s not what this post is about. It was about sharing from my heart and asking for your encouragement and prayers — not solutions.
Kitty says
Sweet sister in Christ, I am able to empathize in your situation. I too suffered infertility, endometriosis and fibroid tumors. My hysterectomy was at age 34. While I intended to keep the ovaries, one was not saved. All worked out and, with prayer and support, went well. I’be marked June 6 on my calendar and will keep you on my prayer list. God truly knows every hair on our heads and has a plan for us! Know you are His beloved and His will is all it’s promised to be! ♥️🙏♥️
Kristine Kuert says
Great words! Love you sis! Glad I can journey beside you.
Sharon aka Mom says
I know this has been a journey for you Kelly on many levels. I cannot imagine because it is a journey that I have not had to embrace. You penned your thoughts and heart so beautifully.
This is something that is very difficult and painful but God ….
He has been with you through it all and will continue to. The scripture you shared was spot on…love it and the quote is amazing. You are amazing for sharing your story and knowing that the Lord is with you!! Love you so very much and praying for you! Greater days are ahead!🙏❤️❌⭕️😘
teresa says
God is good and he does have you close to him at all times. I am sorry for your loss of not having children but God has plans for you. Prayers for a successful surgery and healing.
Michelle says
Kelly–as an infertility survivor, my heart goes out to you…you are very brave to share this publicly. Holding you close in thought and continued prayers for you!
Elaine says
Will be 4praying for you especially June 6. Life is sometimes hard to understand. Take care and remember others may need you to mother them.
Laura Davis says
you are in my thoughts
Ellen Hurtado says
mary m young says
I feel your pain. Forty four years ago I had a fibroid the size of a grapefruit removed. It was in the lining of
my uterus and the doctor was able to save it. Going into the surgery I didn’t know the outcome. I was
32 years old at the time. The one good
thing you can say about fibroids is that they are non-cancerous. So take care of yourself and all will be
well. I love that verse. A dear friend of mine died suddenly and that verse was the only thing that comforted
me and still does.
Mary Beth says
I don’t have the words but know that my heart is with you, and more importantly, my prayers. God has so much for you and your husband and the life ahead will be full of blessings beyond what you can imagine.
Dad says
Love the quote from CS Lewis… I’ve always said that no matter what happens in life God is good all the time. He is faithful. I love you Kel and I always pray for you. Your old man. xoxo
Dayna Hemmelgarn says
Sending love and prayers!
Edie Campbell says
You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Knowing that God is in control and guides the surgeons hands.
Lynn says
God is always with you and I’m grateful that you know that. You may not understand the ‘why’ but God has a purpose for each one of us. I am confident that God is using you with your Blog … you speak so well and softly to those reading and I’m certain that many are deeply touched.
God will be with you on June 6th and Always!!!
Jodie Moss says
My heart broke a little reading your story.I have suffered endometriosis and PCOD since I was 13. I am blessed with 3babies but have lost many . I ended up having a hysterectomy at age 33. It’s a hard Decision and often trusting God is all we have. Please be gentle on yourself, know there will be so many hormonal and emotional changes. Pray, have a lot of support and take your time to adjust. All the best
Laura says
Oh Kelly, I know what you are going through. I had a partial hysterectomy and kept the ovaries way back in my 20s, when I had invasive cervical cancer. It was needed to survive, yet the emotions of what that meant was hard to digest at the time, and even harder as life went on. Be kind to yourself, and hold on to what’s good in your life. It isn’t easy at all. I’m thinking of you. ❤️
Karen says
God bless you.
Christine Davies says
I will pray for you Kelly, and thank you for sharing. I pray you will have peace and all will go well and that you will soon be up and feeling well again. I pray in Jesus name. Thank you Jesus for hearing this prayer.
Marcia Belack says
I hope you are feeling better physically. My thoughts and prayers are with you in your emotional journey. God bless.
Susan Ide says
Kelly — You may/may not know about the song The Byrds sang in the 60’s about the very verse you wrote about in this email. Thanks for all your ideas, recipes, inspiration. Love your emails.