Today I’m sharing a little from the heart. Have you noticed how a brand, blog or organization sometimes challenges its audience to share a story related to a hashtag, campaign or theme? Well, that’s how this post came to fruition. Their contest is over, but I still felt compelled to share #mybloom inspiration with you — paired with this Bloom Where You’re Planted printable.
This quote also makes me think of the saying “when life hands you a bowl of lemons, make lemonade.” Sometimes we just have to make the best of a situation. It might be a job change that wasn’t what you expected, having to relocate to a new city, starting to attend a new church or having to lose weight due to a recent diagnosis from the doctor.
Change is never easy — and I can say that from experience, friends. Being raised in a Pastor’s home, we moved several times, having to learn to adjust. I then chose to attend college in Missouri, 3000 miles away from home (New York) and that nearly killed me physically. I remember waking up one morning and saying to myself, “Today is a new day. You have to decide. Are you in (staying) or are you out (going home)?” The fighter in me wasn’t about to give up. I chose to stay and make the best of it. Some of my best years were my college days, I chose to bloom where I was planted. Life’s choices aren’t always easy ones and growing pains are inevitable.
Of course, blooming can mean different things for different people, though. Kelle Hampton is a huge inspiration and I love how she phrases it in the title of her book: bloom. finding beauty in the unexpected. I love that! It’s not always easy to see the beauty in the unexpected, is it? However, when we do, we might find ourselves pleasantly surprised!
If you literally think of the analogy of a flower blooming, it doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process. It typically needs some nurturing from Mother Nature (and the gardener, of course) — water, sunlight, shade, etc. The result is a colorful bloom that adds beauty to our surroundings and is often used to bring smiles to many faces in the form of floral bouquets.
Sometimes we need to nurture ourselves too.
Rest more, work less. Eat healthier. Get more active.
When we take care of ourselves, we’ll bloom too!
We’ll feel stronger, happier, determined, and beautiful.
I recently started a weight loss journey. My cholesterol was a little high and I was starting to feel uncomfortable in my own skin. So, I decided it was time for change. I joined Weight Watchers and made the choice to attend meetings every Friday morning for accountability. I’m eating healthier, exercising and 15 pounds later I’m feeling better than ever. It meant making some healthier choices, exercising, and surrounding myself with support. I don’t know about you, but as I bloom on this journey, I feel great and more energized!
One significant change for me was finding healthier alternatives to what I eat and drink. Like making these Overnight Oats using Silk instead of indulging myself in Peanut Butter Captain Crunch or Cinnamon Toast Crunch (Yep, those two cereals are a serious weakness for me. Keeping it real, friends). With healthy choices like Silk, I don’t feel restricted when dieting! It’s a win-win.
Feeling inspired? I would love nothing more than for each of us to be the best YOU, ME, or US we can be! Put this Bloom where you’re planted printable in a place where you will be reminded to find the beauty in the unexpected and to make lemonade {wink}. p.s. Each is sized at an 8×10.

*Please Note: All printables and downloads designed by Live Laugh Rowe are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. Please do not alter the file or claim it as your own. This file is not intended for resale, nor are the printed versions of this file.
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