Ruby Tuesday (aka Happy Tuesday)! I hope you’re having a fabulous week. I returned from the Haven Conference on Sunday night… exhausted in a fabulous way! I got to see so many of my lovely bloggy friends, brushed shoulders with some fabulous brands and met Mike Holmes. Eeeks. It was kind of a highlight for me and he is seriously the nicest guy!! Now I have bags of swag from the conference and goodies from the Atlanta Ikea to unload. Is there any rest for the weary? Nope. HA!
However, today I am super duper excited to share something many of you requested. A couple of weeks ago I shared a fabulous painters tape project, my DIY Photo Clipboards. I styled my clipboards with a couple of awesome chalkboard printables that my sister had purchased and shared with me. A number of you swooned the styled, You Are My Sunshine printable. Soooo, I went to work making one for all of you! Guess what? I think it’s officially a favorite of mine too!
Soooo, now you can all make a photo clipboard and print off this fabulous and FREE chalkboard printable to show off in your home or office. I can’t help but hum the sweet lullaby every time I see it. I hope it brings you and yours many happy thoughts!
Please note that the print is sized as an 8×10, but what is pictured is what it looks like on an 8-1/2 x 11 piece of white cardstock. I like the white faux matte on it, so I left it as is. However, you could easily cut that off. Enjoy, sweet friends. Spread the love by sharing with your friends and family too. Everyone can use an extra little sunshine {wink}
You are my Sunshine Printable.

*Please Note: All printables and downloads designed by Live Laugh Rowe are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. Please do not alter the file or claim it as your own. This file is not intended for resale, nor are the printed versions of this file.
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~amy~ says
Sounds like a great conference…awesome printable…thank you!
Kelly Rowe says
Thanks for stopping by Amy! Have a great weekend. xo.
Terry says
Thank you!! THis is one of my favorites!
Kelly Rowe says
Terry, you’re so sweet! Thank you. 🙂 Have a great weekend. HUGS!
Chei says
Very nice. That song is the one I sang to my grand daughter as a baby when I’d rock her to sleep…and it stuck and we have been singing back and for ever since. I even printed it out on fabric paper and put it into a t-shirt memory quilt I made her! Some things you just have to keep front and center!
Kelly Rowe says
What a great memory Chei! …and printing it to use in a t-shirt quilt is the perfect way to keep it front and center! Have a great weekend. HUGS!
Jenn says
Love, love and LOVE!!!!! You rock!
Kelly Rowe says
Awww! *blushing* Thanks so much, Jenn. Hugs!
Claire @ A Little Claireification says
One of my fave songs ever – will always remind me of my Mom (yes, she is still here but this just reminds me of her and will forever). Thanks so much for sharing and pinned. So glad I got to see you again this past weekend. No rest for the weary (or wicked) indeed. 🙂
Dorothy says
I remember singing this with my mom too. I miss her so much.
I don’t seem to be able to d/l the image as 25 or so pages appear with blank pages.
Kelly Rowe says
Hi Dorothy! I’m not sure what is happening for you. I just tested it and it seems to download fine for me 🙁 Let me know. I can always e-mail it to you too.
Kelly Rowe says
Thanks Claire! Appreciate you sharing how the song reminds you of your mom! It was a great conference and seeing/meeting everyone was so much fun! 🙂 xo.
Leslie @ House on the Way says
What an adorable printable! Love it with the clipboard!
Kelly Rowe says
Thanks Leslie! I’m am just in love with my clipboards and how fabulous this one makes the printable look. 🙂 Have a great weekend. xo.
JaneEllen says
Doggone it I’m not a blogger but thinking about it, those conferences sound like such a great experience. Getting to meet so many bloggers and learning so much, I’d love all that. Glad you had great time and learned a lot, got so many goodies. Oh how I wish we have an IKEA close by, nearest one is Denver but the trip over mtns. is just not something I want to do. Driving over it towing a trailer was bad enuf one time. We live on West side of Continental divide.
Thanks so much for wonderful printable, love it to pieces. Take care, rest up. Are you going to show us all your goodies? Hope so. Happy summer days Kelly.
Kelly Rowe says
You would love the blogging conferences. They are exhausting, but you run on adrenaline till it’s over. 🙂 I’ll be sharing a few goodies here and there. Happy summer days to you as well Jane Ellen! HUGS!
Holly says
Love this! Great memories of my grandfather singing this to me when I was very young. Thank you for sharing it with us!
Kelly Rowe says
Thanks Holly! What a wonderful memory of your grandfather. 🙂 Enjoy your evening. xo.
Michelle says
Love this. Thanks for sharing. Pinned!
Kelly Rowe says
Thanks Michelle! Appreciate your kind words and Pin. 🙂 Have a great week! HUGS!
Lolly Jane says
LOVE this. We gotta get our booty’s to Haven next year!
Brenda says
This is so cute ! Thanks for sharing!
Rose Allen Hurdle says
I love your prints , Thanks Kelly
Lou says
Lovely printable. Thanks so much for your generosity!