Are you ready to network??
Are you prepared to make some new bloggy friends??
Well, here’s your chance!
Link up to the homepage of your blog.
….follow Host and Co-Hosts {pretty please}
Feel free to follow by Facebook, Twitter,
or whatever works best for you!
….hop // network // have fun!
If you’d like to post this linky on your blog, grab the code below.
The more, the merrier! Wouldn’t you agree? {yay!}
Thanks again to my ever so gracious co-hosts:
Tranae @ Becoming Fabulous
Jill @ Create. Craft. Love
Laura @ Our Reflection
Kristen @ Tales from the Nook
Julie @ The Naptime Review
Chelsea @ Two Twenty One
This blog hop is sponsored by:

This is a “Blog Hop” – Grab the code {here}!
Thanks so much for linking up with us!
Wishing you all the best in your bloggy endeavors. Blog on!!
Save the Date! Next Hop: 1/20
Grab the January Blog Hop Button {here}.
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Aimee - It's Overflowing says
Thanks for hosting Kelly! XO, Aimee
Hani(haniela's) says
Thank you so much for hosting.
Christina at I Gotta Create! says
Happy Holidays everyone!
<3 Christina
Lyuba @willcookforsmiles says
Thank you for hosting another networking party!! Happy Holidays!
Sarah @ Alderberry Hill says
Thank you for hosting!
Have a fun week leading up to Christmas!
Chelsea @ two twenty one says
Thanks for hosting Kelly! Hope you’ve enjoyed your weekend!
Vanessa Dawne says
Thanks so much for hosting a wonderful party again this month, Kelly.
I used the script code in my post at but it appears the last craft party is listed — not this blog hop. Is there something I’m supposed to change? I love the idea of this inlink tool — thanks again.
Evelyn @ My Turn (for us) says
Thank you for hosting, Kelly. Hope your week is filled with blessings.
Vanessa says
Thanks for hosting!!!! Love meeting new people! 🙂